Found 970 results
Seatbelts save lives.
Big Hero 6
Will apprehending the man in the mask improve your emotional state?
Big Hero 6
Looks like you're out of microbots.
Big Hero 6
No, no. I was just gonna tell you your fly was down for the whole show. Ha-ha-hilarious.
Big Hero 6
Then I go front and back.
Big Hero 6
He's telling the truth.
Big Hero 6
I will add "fist bump" to my care-giving matrix.
Big Hero 6
What was that?
Big Hero 6
Tadashi is here.
Big Hero 6
Your emotional state has improved.
Big Hero 6
Hiro, this isn't part of the plan. Fly! Hiro!
Big Hero 6
Uh, what are you doing?
Big Hero 6
Hi, Aunt Cass.
Big Hero 6
Listen, nitwit.
Big Hero 6
- Yes! It's a bird! - No!
Big Hero 6