Found 970 results
It's over, Krei.
Big Hero 6
Honey, Fred, can you give us some cover?
Big Hero 6
No, no, no, no! Back on! Back on!
Big Hero 6
She's alive in there. Someone has to help.
Big Hero 6
That's just one of his new upgrades!
Big Hero 6
...things get a little more interesting.
Big Hero 6
Okay! Let's get you back in your luggage.
Big Hero 6
She's wearing something super inappropriate for an 80-year-old.
Big Hero 6
Is that all you got?
Big Hero 6
Oh, you have nothing to fear, little fellow.
Big Hero 6
Portal two is down- The magnetic containment field's down!
Big Hero 6
So, uh, what have you been working on?
Big Hero 6
- Who are you? - Uh, I'm... Go Go, this is my brother Hiro.
Big Hero 6
All right, come on. I'm healthcare, your personal Baymax companion.
Big Hero 6
Anyway, you've never seen my lab.
Big Hero 6
Why are we stopped? The light's red!
Big Hero 6