Found 970 results
Krei, shut it down now!
Big Hero 6
Ah... Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing?
Big Hero 6
You're going to watch everything you've built disappear.
Big Hero 6
Yes! Hammerfist!
Big Hero 6
So, what are we waiting for?
Big Hero 6
Beginner's luck.
Big Hero 6
The university called again.
Big Hero 6
Show 'em what you got, buddy.
Big Hero 6
My arms! They can't go any further!
Big Hero 6
Is that Baymax?
Big Hero 6
I am contacting them now. No, no, no! I... Don't do that. Your friends have been contacted. Unbelievable.
Big Hero 6
Those who suffer a loss require support from friends and loved ones. Oh, okay, I like where this is heading!
Big Hero 6
It's well within the parameters. Let's move forward.
Big Hero 6
That's French for "front door."
Big Hero 6
But there was a fire and...
Big Hero 6