Found 970 results
The microbots are controlled with this neural transmitter.
Big Hero 6
Killer actuators. Where did you get those?
Big Hero 6
- Titanium skeleton? - Carbon fiber.
Big Hero 6
Well then, I'm satisfied with my care.
Big Hero 6
Are you okay? Yeah. I'm okay.
Big Hero 6
No, this isn't a fighting thing.
Big Hero 6
This is a microbot.
Big Hero 6
I suggest an anti-bacterial spray. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's in the spray, specifically?
Big Hero 6
There are no red lights in a car chase!
Big Hero 6
Hey- You got this.
Big Hero 6
Look, let's just take this slow. Up, up, up, up, up! Thrust, thrust, thrust!
Big Hero 6
Your neurotransmitter levels are rising steadily.
Big Hero 6
We just wanted to check in, and see how you're doing.
Big Hero 6
Hiro, we want to help, but we're just us.
Big Hero 6
Too much thrust! Too much thrust! Too much thrust!
Big Hero 6
Oh! Go up! Up, up, up! Up!
Big Hero 6
I have some concerns.
Big Hero 6