Found 970 results
Come on, buddy, let's get her home.
Big Hero 6
You have a slight epidermal abrasion on your forearm.
Big Hero 6
We've reinvented the very concept of transportation.
Big Hero 6
Your age wouldn't be an issue.
Big Hero 6
Microbots can move anything anywhere, with ease.
Big Hero 6
We made it! Yes!
Big Hero 6
That's French for "front door."
Big Hero 6
Use that big brain of yours to think your way out.
Big Hero 6
I've been trying to get Honey to develop a formula, that can turn me into a fire-breathing lizard at will.
Big Hero 6
Looks like you're out of microbots.
Big Hero 6
Check this out.
Big Hero 6
Can you feel it? You guys, do you feel this?
Big Hero 6
Fine. I'm satisfied with my... Whoa!
Big Hero 6
You don't understand this yet, but people need you.
Big Hero 6
Other treatments include compassion and physical reassurance.
Big Hero 6