- You smell great. - You smell great. What is that? Burberry. What you got on? - I forgot. It's just deodorant. - Smells expensive. Okay. - Yeah. Good. - We smelling good. Some smelling good brothers out here. You're an awesome man and I appreciate you. - I hope you find yourself. - Yeah, we should go out. Get drinks. - You want to get drinks? - Yeah! - How many drinks? - Two. Three. - Three? Five? - Four! Five! - Six? Eight? - Seven! Nine! - Ten? On me? - All of them! It's on me, no, it's on me now! - It's on you? - Yeah, it's on me now. - Alright. Alright! - Yeah, it's on me! - It's on you now. -Now!
Sorry to Bother You
He's real. He's not that fake-ass bougie gallery world. So, that's how it works.
Sorry to Bother You
Okay. Look, listen. They're normal size. They look normal size. They look normal size.
Sorry to Bother You
This is the kind of party that could change your life.
Sorry to Bother You
And also, I kind of messed around with somebody last night. What? Wait... what do you mean you kind of... I need you to explain that one cause I don't understand what you mean by you kind of messed around with somebody.
Sorry to Bother You
We realize that human labor has its limitations.
Sorry to Bother You
So now, I gotta climb over the side of this overturned jeep cause I got to pry the AK out from under the crushed bloody body of my now inconveniently deceased guide, right? And just as I get this thing out I spin around. And this fucking thing starts to charge and it got a...
Sorry to Bother You
- Thanks for calling, man. - Yeah.
Sorry to Bother You
But I saw your TV debut. Oh, shit.
Sorry to Bother You
That's alright.
Sorry to Bother You
Thank you. We. Are Honored. To. Be. In. Your. Presence. Dude. I'm from East Oakland. Talk regular. My name is DeMarius. Thanks for breaking us out. Oh, I'm Cassius. Cassius Green.
Sorry to Bother You
Look, I betrayed you.
Sorry to Bother You
Come on!
Sorry to Bother You
Get out in that party and go fuck something.
Sorry to Bother You
Maybe it's saying that capitalism dehumanizes them. Maybe the artist is being literal. Maybe WorryFree is turning workers into horses. And literally fucking them?
Sorry to Bother You
Security code cleared. Love of Christ. If you beautiful perversions don't shut the fuck up, I will turn you all into glue!
Sorry to Bother You
San Francisco Chronicle, good morning. Um... Eric. Eric Arnold, please. One moment.
Sorry to Bother You
The first thing we're gonna do is cut a little nib into the cola can.