By day, I'm a professional jelly wrestler for corporate events.
Pitch Perfect 2
Go get him, Fat Amy!
Pitch Perfect 2
Ashley, what are you gonna do after... Actually, though, if we were to stop and really think, "What could Fat Amy be capable of in the future?"
Pitch Perfect 2
Yeah, I look forward to working together. It's nice to meet you. What is it? Elizabeth? Emily. Emily. Elizabeth? What? Emily. Thank you. Thank you.
Pitch Perfect 2
Oh. I gotta jump on a call. Yeah, no. No, get it in there. Get it in there. Attagirl. You want one of these? Oh, hey. You want one of those? There you go. Attagirl. Ow!
Pitch Perfect 2
I have a few notes that I assume that you're open to. Yes. Um, but this is a solid demo, with real potential.
Pitch Perfect 2
You guys, I need to go right now. And I need to win back my man! Screw your judgments!
Pitch Perfect 2
I don't... I don't... I don't like it.
Pitch Perfect 2
But, you just did it.
Pitch Perfect 2
And I have a...
Pitch Perfect 2
Oh, wait.
Pitch Perfect 2
It's the real deal. Yeah, don't touch anything, Legacy. You're very pretty, but you seem clumsy.
Pitch Perfect 2
I mean, we can do... Do you want it... Do you feel like you'd want to layer a bunch of voices?
Pitch Perfect 2
Mmm-hmm. Who's Emily? I am. This tall drink of water, right there. Hey. Emily.
Pitch Perfect 2
Uh, yes. Emily wrote it.
Pitch Perfect 2
Well... Um...
Pitch Perfect 2
Give me that neck.
Pitch Perfect 2
I think in the beginning it could definitely build. I think it starts out light, though. Get your cute butt in the studio, then. Don't tell my boss that we were in here, by the way. I got all I need when I got you and I 'Cause I look around me and see a sweet life This is... Wow!