I didn't need to talk to you about homework. I lied.
The Edge of Seventeen
I mean, so hard your pillow was just soaked.
The Edge of Seventeen
Right. Yeah. SFF.
The Edge of Seventeen
The Edge of Seventeen
The Edge of Seventeen
Look on the bright side, you know. I mean, maybe they'll get married and then my best friend will be a part of my family. Helpful. Thank you. It really bothers me she's not giving you rides anymore though. I'm gonna have to talk to her about that. No, you're not! I can't drive you every morning. It puts me on the freeway late and adds 40 minutes. If you do that, I will do something equally terrible to you.
The Edge of Seventeen
It felt like the right thing to say.
The Edge of Seventeen
Freshman. Junior.
The Edge of Seventeen
You're a dick. Maybe nobody likes you, huh? You're always-- You're always in a shit mood. You're a really shitty teacher. You put zero effort into everything you do. And there's no way you're proud of that. Look at you. Look at-- Like, you do nothing. Look at your hair. You don't even-- You don't do your hair 'cause you don't have any hair. You're bald. You know what? You know why you're not married? Because bald men are gross and disgusting, and especially the ones that make $45,000 a year.
The Edge of Seventeen
Maybe... nobody likes you.
The Edge of Seventeen
I'm giving you half my cookie.
The Edge of Seventeen
Make you feel better. Jesus.
The Edge of Seventeen
[chuckles] What?
The Edge of Seventeen
Nadine. Max.
The Edge of Seventeen
The Edge of Seventeen
You should date my mother. [scoffs] Her last boyfriend turned out to be an Internet perv. She's very, very fragile, very, um-- "Oh, save me." Men like that, right, though? 'Cause at the end of the day they all wanna-- all wanna be a hero. Everyone just wants to feel important in life. Thing is, no matter how important they are, there's always gonna be someone more important. People get so uptight about that. Oh, no, they're better than me. It's like, God, they don't realize [whirring] important doesn't matter. It's confidence. When confidence breaks into the room-- [whirring stops] it wins every single time. Doesn't matter if it's real or pulling it straight out of their ass. People are dumb. They don't know the difference.
The Edge of Seventeen
I've been doing this 23 years and-- [clears throat] you're the first person to ever underestimate my salary.
The Edge of Seventeen
You know what? I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna tell you the real reason I'm having lunch with you today.