[man narrating] Once upon a time on a planet called Not Saturn... at Alien Planet High School... [speaking alien language] there was an alien adolescent who was struck by love.
The Edge of Seventeen
We told each other things we never thought we'd say out loud. Once, my grandpa's pajama flap accidentally came open and I saw his wiener and got real sad. My mom has to take medicine or she'll get upset and buy too much at the mall. It's true. [both laughing]
The Edge of Seventeen
You-You having fun? -Feelin' pretty good. -I respect that. Hey, aren't you Darian Franklin's sister? Yep.
The Edge of Seventeen
Ohh. God, juvie made him so hot. Oh, God. I forgot to tell you something. He works at Petland now.
The Edge of Seventeen
You didn't tell me you were in a film festival either. You didn't tell me anything, Erwin. Maybe it's because I can't get a word in. Do I really talk that much? Oh, yeah. I'm gonna drown myself now. Good-bye. Bye.
The Edge of Seventeen
That was a joke. I failed the test. Oh. Oh! Ha, ha. Hello. [chuckles] [cell phone buzzing] Uh, you can get that. Uh, no, it's cool.
The Edge of Seventeen
Freshman. Junior.
The Edge of Seventeen
I can't believe this is happening.
The Edge of Seventeen
Good night.
The Edge of Seventeen
Let's go, lady.
The Edge of Seventeen
I want change.
The Edge of Seventeen
Anyways-- Yeah.
The Edge of Seventeen
[music louder]
The Edge of Seventeen
[cell phone buzzes] Oh. Turn off your cell phone, please. [buzzing] [men talking on screen]