We should go to the paint factory. Are we clear here? Because it got real awkward. No... I think we're all good. Right?
The Heat
It looked like you saw someone you knew. Possibly your brother?
The Heat
Now I'm bragging, but it's very nice having a second income.
The Heat
What is that? Gum? Or is it Silly Putty?
The Heat
So say good-bye to your mick brother. Wait!
The Heat
Let's not, okay? Get out of the car, you asshole!
The Heat
Maybe I'm wrong... you know? Wait for it. Maybe these guys are right for a change. Stranger things have happened, right? - That's a trap. - Meteors, comets...
The Heat
Emphatic and erratic at the drop of a dime Oh, you want a piece of my mind?
The Heat
All right, ladies. Here's the DNA results from the book of matches and the cigarette butt you got from Tatiana's. We pulled two sets of prints. First one's a real nut job.