So if you get a call from someone named Carla, it's me! When did you become such a princess? You make it impossible! All right, seatbelts, everyone! Come on, buddy... come on. Right here, buddy! Right here! What the fuck is this? That's my puppy. I got him four months ago. I named him Kevin Garnett. You're an asshole! You gotta see the cock on this thing.
The Heat
Hold on, I can lose them. You want me to take the wheel? No, I was a precision driver at Quantico. They thought I was the instructor... I was that good.
The Heat
What did I tell you about moving my prisoners? He's in interrogation.
The Heat
Think you're hot shit? Guess what. You guys look even older in this lighting!
The Heat
It's not clean. We found a joint in that girl's purse.
The Heat
2.8s Special Skills he said, "Keeping it real", but...
The Heat
I can protect you. I can. But you've got to help me.
The Heat
Just move. Move, move!
The Heat
Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
The Heat
Yeah, they're pretty sweet. Who needed that promotion anyway?