Address... - 143 Juniper Road, Arlington Heights, Illinois.
The Founder
- Ray Kroc.
The Founder
I need this one. You think, uh... Is there anything you can do to help me out? - I'll tell you what, let me refer you to one of my colleagues. Somebody who may be better suited to meet your needs. - Thank you.
The Founder
I'm gonna level with ya.
The Founder
The Founder
- There's...
The Founder
What do you think? - I don't know.
The Founder
- Hiya, Ray. - Boy, you boys are killing me. What's the hold up? I break ground in two weeks. - These things take time. You're proposing substantial alterations. - I'm adding a basement and a furnace, that's all. - We need our architect to thoroughly review it and make sure everything is safe and up to code. - Fine. Has he seen it yet, has he taken a look at it? - I'm not sure to be honest. - I've got bulldozers rolling up on the 23rd. - I'm not the one who scheduled that, Ray. - I need you to take a breath. - Take a breath? Do you realize what it's going to cost me if I have to push? - Hopefully, it won't come to that. - Every restaurant in the Midwest has a basement and a furnace. - This is standard stuff. - I understand. But it's our name on that building. God forbid the floor caves in and people get hurt or worse because of some design flaw we missed. Let's just slow down a minute and make sure it's done right. - So much for the Speedee System, huh?
The Founder
Just be right one time.
The Founder
- Ahh, use my office telephone number, that's the best place to reach me. - All right. Of course we'll need an appraisal on your home before we can issue funds.
The Founder
June, did you schedule the stakeout with the engineer? All set. - What about the fire department? Did you get the approval for the driveway design? - Left a message with them yesterday. - Excavation permits? - I'm meeting with them today. - All right. Hey, what's going on with San Bernardino, by the way? - I just spoke to Dick, he says they're working on it. - They're working on it? - That's what he said. - Ray Kroc on the line.
The Founder
- A hot head like that, you don't know what he's capable of. - It's all bluster, Dick. His bark is worse than his bite. - That's what Neville Chamberlain said. - He'll relax. Give him some time.
The Founder
It'll be fine.
The Founder
One time.
The Founder
This one's different.
The Founder
- Ha-ha. - I'm just joking with you, Ray. - Hold on, Jack. You should hear him out.
The Founder
- Fold-a-Nooks.
The Founder
I know I've been neglecting you. What do you say tomorrow we go to supper at the club?