Why are you turning on them? Lovers' quarrel. We settle on 50. No, math whizz. We settle on 100 grand, upfront, in my pocket. The guy thinks he's a real badass. This geezer's a bloody joke.
The Expendables
Back off!
The Expendables
So we're working for the agency? Yeah. Church hired us to take out the General, but the real target's this guy, James Munroe.
The Expendables
Hey. Give me the good luck ring. Come on.
The Expendables
You know what? I trust you. I want you to meet my girlfriend. Omya Kaboom. You lost me there. When Omya's prime is struck, she gets off a miniature warhead that arms itself. And when that happens, anything that gets in my lady's way becomes instant red sauce and Jell-O. And if that doesn't work, her sister will. You should meet my doctor. Too late.
The Expendables
The Expendables
- Speed better than luck. - Whatever.
The Expendables
What is? My life is difficult. I need more money. Why is that? - I work harder than the rest. - No, you don't. Yes, I do. Because they're taller, everything is harder for me. When I get hurt, the wound is bigger because I'm smaller. When I travel, I need to go farther. I know, 'cause you're smaller, right? Yes.
The Expendables
That's the way I was raised. This man, however, does not share that moral dilemma. No.
The Expendables
So the question, Sandra, why were the Americans here?
The Expendables
I was just gonna scare him.
The Expendables
Man's good.
The Expendables
So, why are you doing this? Friends die together.
The Expendables
My life is harder than you think. - I need more money. - I know. You told me. For your family, right? I don't have family. I know.