-Nicki-Nick! -Oh, you're just in time. [INDISTINCT CHATTERING AND LAUGHING]
Crazy Rich Asians
Rachel Chu, will you marry me? [GASPS]
Crazy Rich Asians
We were inspired by the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles. [SOFTLY] And Donald Trump's bathroom. -Really? -Yeah. You like it or not? Oh, yes. The gold is very brilliant.
Crazy Rich Asians
Is this a church or a paddy field? They spent 40 million on the wedding. Really? That's too much. We're Methodists. 20 million is our limit. I know. Princess Intan. Vicious woman. I heard she demanded a whole row to herself, so she wouldn't be bothered by anyone. Really?
Crazy Rich Asians
Crazy Rich Asians
Oh, someone forgot to wear a bra. Kitty Pong. Cousin Alistair's latest flame. An actress. Rumor is, she was in a porno. Two Girls, One Cup of Noodles. You know, I thought I would like that more than I did. -The book was much better. -PEIK: Mmm-hmm.
Crazy Rich Asians
You know, when you said you grew up in your grandma's house, I wasn't expecting this. Thank you. Oh, no, no. Those are for your fingers. -Thank you very much. -Thank you. A little bit much, I know. I mean, this place is gorgeous. And like the rolling green hills. I mean, there are armed guards out there. And a giant tiger. -[NICK LAUGHS] -Okay.
Crazy Rich Asians
PEIK: Nope.
Crazy Rich Asians
-I love you. -I love you, too. This is gonna be some flight back to New York. Well, I was actually thinking about staying one more night.
Crazy Rich Asians
God, I can't believe this airport has a butterfly garden and a movie theater. JFK is just salmonella and despair. ARAMINTA: Nick! Nick! [ARAMINTA SHOUTING]
Crazy Rich Asians
RACHEL: I thought this was just a family thing. My grandmother's invited some of her friends over tonight. Her tan huasare blooming. It's a whole thing. You ready for this?
Crazy Rich Asians
There you are. I've been looking all over for you. You ready to meet my grandmother?
Crazy Rich Asians
Anytime. Please.
Crazy Rich Asians
Crazy Rich Asians
Princess Intan. Rachel Chu. I read your great article about microloans in the Asian Economics Journal. PRINCESS INTAN: I received so much criticism about that article. Well, you know what? I think your critics missed the point. 'Cause your microloans helped women, and women lift up economies.