"If you work hard enough as a fry cook, maybe you can become a manager!" Or... or "If you twirl that sign really well, then maybe you can twirl a larger sign on a more glamorous corner." No, I already have the best corner, and the biggest sign, and the best word. "Off." It is the anchor to the slogan. - So... - So, what's the point then? What you think, I'm just supposed to work, eat, fuck, sleep? No, I'm... I'm not saying that. I'm saying what we need...
Sorry to Bother You
And you ain't gonna do shit neither by selling fucking art to rich people. Fuck it.
Sorry to Bother You
Okay, so like... "Hello, Mr. Everet. Cassius Green here. - Sorry to bother you"... - Nah, man. Look, you got it wrong. I'm not talking about sounding all nasal. It's, like, sounding like you don't have a care. Got your bills paid. You're happy about your future. You about ready to jump in your Ferrari out there after you get off this call. Put some real breath in there. Breezy like... "I don't really need this money." You've never been fired. Only laid off.
Sorry to Bother You
Um... it's...
Sorry to Bother You
Well, people say I talk with a white voice anyway, so why it ain't helping me out? Well, you don't talk white enough. I'm not talkin' bout Will Smith white. That ain't white, that's just proper. - Mm-hmm. - I'm talking about the real deal.
Sorry to Bother You
That's some baller shit.
Sorry to Bother You
Really? You gonna stuff all those French fries in your mouth?
Sorry to Bother You
Oh, okay.
Sorry to Bother You
Sorry to Bother You
Sorry to Bother You
- What up bro? - What's up man? - Good man. - Aw, that hurt. It's all good. I've been telling everybody how you've been kicking all types of ass at work. Yea. I mean it's crazy. I'm finally... feel like I'm good at something. I'm feeling myself. - Word. - I'm a fucking monster at this.
Sorry to Bother You
This was the scene yesterday at the RegalView telemarketer's strike. The striking RegalView workers are joined by other telemarketers, phone operators and university students from all over the area.
Sorry to Bother You
And you can feel that energy. I know that you can. People are starting to get emotional, and I love that. Does that mean we get paid more?
Yeah, they look bigger. - No, they don't. - I think that's just cause... - Yeah. You're flaring them. - No, I'm not flaring them. - You are, you are. - No, I'm not. Just relax them a little bit so I can see.
Sorry to Bother You
- Why did you show... - I don't know, alright. I snorted something that was... I thought it was activated but it turned out it was just coke... But why did you focus on your dick, though? They have big nostrils you could have just asked me to check your nostrils. - Okay check 'em, check 'em. - Okay, okay.
Sorry to Bother You
I'd like to dedicate this imbibing of intoxicating elixirs. Here's to becoming a Power Caller!