Are you serious right now? Serious as kicking the can. Don't... don't play with me, Cash cause that's some serious shit. No, man. That's yours. And I've got a car that'll do me just fine til I get back to work at RegalView.
Sorry to Bother You
Baby, this is beautiful. And big. Africa.
Sorry to Bother You
They even have their own elevator.
Sorry to Bother You
You studied the script?
Sorry to Bother You
Fuck RegalView!
Sorry to Bother You
What, Cash?
Sorry to Bother You
- Are you doing alright? - Yeah, I'm doing good. - How you doing? - Fantastic. - Fantastic? - I hope you have a good day. I hope you have a better week. I hope your month is full of successful days. And a lot of great ventures. I hope you just come up, brother. I hope your whole fucking year is spectacular. - Oh, you hope my year is spectacular? - Yeah. You got something you want to say to me? You got something you want to say?
Sorry to Bother You
- Yeah. - Look, clock in, don't be lazy, and I won't have to be an asshole. Make a sale, this light goes on. You do real good, eventually you might even be able to be a Power Caller. - A Power Caller? - Where the callers are ballers. Where they make the real money.
Sorry to Bother You
Before the sun explodes.
Sorry to Bother You
Log in here. Grab a seat.
Sorry to Bother You
This is good. This is perfect. This is the perfect apology. I don't want disrespect you. You know this is cool, I'm...
Sorry to Bother You
- Hello. - Hey, Mr. Davidson. Cassius Green here. Sorry to bo...
Sorry to Bother You
- Huh? - Alright, bro. - Be good. - Mm-hmm.
Sorry to Bother You
So, wait, are you telling me you sell slave labor to companies over the phone? Hot damnit. You are a sharp one.
Sorry to Bother You
Left Eye, bitches! WorryFree has resuscitated America. Workers live in space efficient dwellings in the same facilities where production occurs. They make anything and they make everything. Lifetime contracts so no wages needed.
Sorry to Bother You
Alright, does it do that every time... Welcome to the Power Calling Suite, Mr. Green. White Voice at all times here. Yes, I almost forgot.