Gray? Honey, what are you doing? What is this? Here. Let's go. Come on, honey. Your flight's in two hours. Dane County Airport is 36 minutes away, 60 with traffic. How many minutes to get your little butt in the van? Hmm?
Jurassic World
I'm so jealous. You're gonna have so muoh fun. I love you. I love you, too.
Jurassic World
You did.
Jurassic World
Very good! See, Charlie, that's what you get!
Jurassic World
Jurassic World
It can camouflage!
Jurassic World
Probably stick together. For survival.
Jurassic World
Pregnant women and those who suffer from motion sickness should consult with a doctor before riding this ride.
Jurassic World
Are you okay? Oh, baby.
Jurassic World
Hey, there. I'm Jimmy Fallon. Welcome aboard the Gyrosphere, an amazing machine made possible by science. Your safety is our main concern. Which is why you're behind our invisible barrier system, which protects you from things like Dfiophosaurus venom. One drop of this can paralyze you, so watch out. Is this real? It is?
Jurassic World
Hey, Claire. Zach, thank God. ls Gray with you? I can't really hear you. We're in the hamster ball. Okay. Zach, listen to me. I need you to...
Oh... I really wish that I could, but tomorrow I can take you into the control room, show you behind the scenes and all of that. That's gonna be cool, right?
Jurassic World
Whoa, Zach. Last time I saw you, you were like... That must've been what? - Three, four years ago? - Uh, Seven. Seven years, but, you know, close.