- I need this. I need it. - Hey, whoa! - Excuse me, sir. Excuse me. - What you doing? - Hey, hold on! - Official police business. - That's my car! - This is the police. Back up! - What the fuck? - Come on! It is of no advantage for me to jump off the fucking thing if you take the stairs! I told your ass I wasn't jumping!
Bad Boys for Life
So I had to put the woman I love behind bars for the rest of her life.
Bad Boys for Life
- Who this? - It's Carver Remy. Look here, I'm busy, all right? Don't waste my time, Carver. Leave me alone. Come on, man. It's important. Keep an eye on my baby. - Marcus. - I'm retired. Only rats I talk to are in my basement. - Carmelita shot the wrong twin! - Oh, shit. The guy who shot Mike, he's trying to kill me. - What? - I'm serious. A guy on a black bike's been tracking me. The one on the news. It's him. - Bullshit. - Marcus, would I lie to you? Yes. That's why we stopped using your ass as a CI. - I'm telling you, it's him. - What do you want? Protective custody. To not die. Please, man. Use me as bait, whatever. You want this guy? He's coming for me. - You talk to Mike? - I called you. Nineteenth and Miami. Third floor. I'll be waiting.
Bad Boys for Life
Too slow. You're slipping.
Bad Boys for Life
Okay, but I'm gonna have to go on the dark side. All right. You good with that? Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. Let's do it.
Bad Boys for Life
Look, Marcus, I'm asking you.
Bad Boys for Life
I wiped the drool off your chin, Mike. Don't disrespect me like that because you don't know. All right, all right. All right, man.
Bad Boys for Life
Audio. Here it is. These will put a hole through anyone and anything you point your gun at. - I guarantee my product. - He's right there, Rita. - We can grab him. - No. I'm not risking the collateral damage. - Let's move. - Let's wait. - You're the boss. - Yeah, I know. - That's what I just said. - I just confirmed it. - Okay. - You two used to date, right? - Sort of. - Not really. Need to see the cash.
Bad Boys for Life
How dare you, man? I sat by your bedside.
Bad Boys for Life
All right. Uh-uh. No. Mike! Mike! Tell Marcus I'm gonna kill him! Go, go! - Go, go, go! - What'd she do? What'd you do? - Is she coming? Oh, shit! - Go, go, go!
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
Dorn, he's a big guy. How'd he get so good at this stuff? - What stuff? - Tech shit. - He looks like a killer. - Is. Used to be a bouncer. Guy one night was getting physical with a woman... Yeah, big man lost it. Hit him. - Bastard dropped dead. - Avoided the fight ever since.
Bad Boys for Life
He will suffer.
Bad Boys for Life
- Putting your seat belt on? - Yeah. - That's how we do it now? - You're damn right. Number one's on my ass! Crossing 395 into Overtown. Whoa, Mike. Overtown's a no-go. Zway got people here. Dangerous people. We're dangerous people. Whoa, whoa, whoa! Shit, whoa! Damn Nerf gun, rubber bullet bullshit. They shooting slugs, we firing gummy bears. Mike, pull over for a minute. I need to tell you something. - Pull over? - Yeah. One second. Let me see if Zway will pull over. Zway-Lo! Marcus needs to pull over for a second! Hey, can we get a time-out? Damn it, Mike, I need to tell you something! - What? - I made a promise to God. - To who? - To God. What the hell are you talking about? Look, I told the Lord that if you made it through that I would make no more violence. He definitely knew you was bullshitting with that. Violence is what we do.
Bad Boys for Life
Let's bring every single thing we got, all right? You got it.
Bad Boys for Life
What did I say? No, no. What did I say? I said consult. I said observe. I... Look at this... This mess. It's carnage! I didn't do all this shit. They did this to each other. Wait, wait, wait. You didn't shoot anybody? - You know I shot some people. - Yeah. - Look, they had already started. - What...? Ah, Jesus. Mike, you promised. - No, no, I didn't promise. - You promised. - I said I could picture you... - Yeah. ...on a limb, fat as hell, with sharks and some shit. Right. That's a promise. We were here to watch. What? Yeah, and I saw. All right, Cap, look. The bag is empty, all right? No cash. The guy reached up and scratched his nose. I saw it had no weight to it. - That's very impressive, sir. - Yeah. See, I like that one. If I hadn't come in, Grassie was a dead man for sure. That's a relief, because your guy's in a body bag - and he sure looks dead. - Cap. Ah... Good job, Mikey. Hey, look. Young boy, seriously. Let me tell you something. Stay in a child's place, all right? Spare me the street knowledge, grandpa. Nobody asked. Just because I fucked your mother - don't make me your grandpa? - Oh, oh, oh. - Fucked my mother? - That's enough. - Stop. - You got me fucked up. - Old ass. - Stand down! Let's go. - You better go on. - Let's go. I will knock your ass clean the fuck out. - Knock me out. Hit me. - What am I, a nursery school teacher? Come on, let's go! Shit. I got time today. Cool down. Keep walking. - Excuse me, sir. - Go ahead, man. - Do you guys want a...? - No, go. Just go ahead somewhere.
Bad Boys for Life
Sorenson. Weber. Vargas. Carver. All of the victims were on that case. This is revenge. Yeah, Mike, but you weren't on that case. My name wasn't on it. That's how deep I was.
Bad Boys for Life
I was her driver. We connected so... deep. We talked about everything. She showed me the whole game. How to walk it, how to talk it, put clothes on it. She made Mike Lowrey.