Says right here. "Tenant must vacate the premises... due to non-payment of rent." You know about this? [Stephanie] Morning.
8 Mile
[Church Bells Ringing] So you comin' toJ LB tonight? I don't know, man.
8 Mile
Come here, baby. Come here.
8 Mile
It's over. It's over, baby.
8 Mile
8 Mile
What floor is J LB on? Twenty-eight. Thank you. You're welcome. [D.J.] When we look at Big O, what are we lookin'at, baby? [Big O] I'm givin'you poverty. I'm givin'you the slums. That's where I'm from. So I put it all in the music. I'm lookin' for Wink Harris. Who? He's supposed to be here with Roy Darucher. Oh, I think they're all down in Studio "B." All right. Thank you. Mm-hmm. [Big O] I did anything for free... anything for the exposure. [D.J.] No doubt. Big "O, "big ups and congratulations, playboy player. You finally got your record on the radio. How does it make you feel, man? Oh, man, that's much love. I want to thank you and WJ LB, man... for lookin'out for me like that, dawg, so much love. I'm tryin'to put Detroit... the east side, for sure... on the map. Know what I'm sayin'? And we gonna do it for real. We'll get a pipeline to come through here, and the industry'll look at us... and they'll sign all of us, man, we'll all be eatin; [Big O] Whoa, whoa... Wait, wait, wait... [Screams] Jimmy! Stop it! Stop it!
8 Mile
Who's gonna want me now? Who's gonna want me? Where are we gonna live? We don't have any money! We don't have anything! What am I gonna do? - What am I gonna do? - What are you gonna do? Lily's out there by herself right now! Why do you got to be like this? What did we ever do to you? Get the fuck out of here. Get the fuck out of my house! Get the fuck out of my house.! [Sobbing] Come on, baby. Put your coat on. [Grunts Loudly] We're goin' next door, okay? We're gettin' out of here. Come on. [Barney] I love you...
8 Mile
Yo, what up, bitch? You ready to get knocked out, doe? [Lyckety-Splyt Chuckles] Wink said you lived in a trailer with your mom. [Laughing] But we didn't believe him. [Scoffing] [Blow Landing, Groaning] Come on, Elvis. Get up. Get up, bitch. [Booming Rap Continues] [Man] Get yo'faggot ass up and fight.
8 Mile
[Moans] Mom, come on. Get up. Come on. [Sighs Deeply] Come on! [Grunts] Greg left me. Yeah? [Lily Babbling] He left me. [Grunts] Oh. Damn!
8 Mile
Hey, did you have fun? Mm-hmm. Yeah. I know. [Bass Speakers Reverberating]
8 Mile
Get down, you faggot. Get down! - Jimmy! - [Grunting]
8 Mile
[Scoffs] What? What the fuck is you lookin' at?
8 Mile
No, no, no. No, no. Don't do this.
8 Mile
[Engine Idling]
8 Mile
[Announcer, Rapper's Voices In Distance] It's an honor for mejust to come on WJLB and have you doin'this for me. I really appreciate it. [D.J.] No problem, baby. You know, wejust here to represent the "D. " You know, and take care of our artists and take care ofhome. And I hope you have a successful career, 'cause I know you puttin'it down. You represent real hard for the 3-1-3. For sure, man, I'm doin' it. I'm doin' it for y'all, man. This is for Detroit. 3-1-3, baby. Love.
8 Mile
I've seen you flippin' burgers, baby, I know I have! [Chuckles] Yeah, I did that, man. I thought I recognized your face, baby. [Alex, Screaming] Stop it! Fuckin' stop it! Please! Please stop. Stop it. Jimmy, stop it! [Grunting, Groaning] - Jimmy... - How long you been in the game, baby? - Aw, man, fifteen years. - [Grunting, Punch Landing]
8 Mile
[Rap On Car Stereo] Okay, baby. I want you to go inside. I want you to lock the door, okay? Listen to me. Go inside, lock the door. I'll be in in a minute, okay? Okay. Okay. Go. [Car Doors Slamming] Go!
8 Mile
Come on. Get up. Hi, honey. It's okay, Lily. It's okay, honey. [Voices On TV, Indistinct]