Burn this shit down to the ground. Burn it down. - That's what I'm talkin' about. - Okay, I got it. Fuckin' yeah, man. Let's burn this fuckin' thing down. - Let's go, Cheddar. - This is the definition of an attractive nuisance. - Hey, Rock.! Come on, Rock. Let's burn this thing. - Right behind you, man. - That's what I'm talkin'about. - Yeah, baby. Could have sworn I had some matches. You got some? You got my lighter? I gave it back to you. - I got one. - Wink, you got the lighter? [All] No! - Oh, shit! Get out! - Run!
8 Mile
I don't understand why the media's not all over this. It's just a matter of time before it all happens again. The city don't give a fuck. [Together] What the hell is he talkin' about? That abandoned house where that little girl got raped. [D.J. Iz] What you call "an attractive nuisance. " You better believe that place wouldn't still be standing if it was on the other side of 8 Mile. It could have been Lily, Rabbit.
8 Mile
- What's the matter with you? - My bad, you guys. So you signed anything yet? Not yet, but but I'm workin' on a little somethin' somethin'. - Yeah? - Yeah. He's gonna be courtin' a demo at MCA soon. - Really? - Yeah, well... If you really want to seeJimmy flow, make sure you come down to the next battle at The Shelter. Yeah.! He's the best.! - Shut up, Cheddar. - When's the battle? - Friday night. Yeah? Can I come?
8 Mile
There's no way I'm fuckin' battlin' next Friday, dawg. You know damn well you're gonna battle if she's there. 'Cause you're gonna want to be the man, you know what I'm sayin'? All right, man. Just don't fuckin' push. Guess we all need to be pushed.
8 Mile
Hey, man, that chick really blew both you guys? I'm a sinner, James. Come to the church with me in the morning, a'ight?
8 Mile
- Oh, well. - Get your hand off my balls! - Man, why do you be all ignorant for? - Oh, shit! Jimmy.
8 Mile
- Why do they call you Rabbit? - He's fast and he likes to fuck.
8 Mile
Rabbit? Let me go ask my friends.
8 Mile
How you know him? You mean Clarence? He went to Cranbrook with Christine's brother. Do you want to dance? Not right now. Fuckin' Wink, man. Tryin' to keep us in division with all that fake-ass, Big Willie wannabe talk.
8 Mile
You like? Hmm? She's getting out of the "D," though. Hey, bro, please. That's what they all say. Nah. I think she's different.
8 Mile
Shit wrong with a free demo. Free comes with a dick right up your ass, Jimmy. Three-One-Third is real. The shit that Wink is talkin' about is wack.
8 Mile
Ha. My bad. I'm sorry. [Laughing] You gonna let him push you? You could never catch me and you never will!
8 Mile
Yo, Rabbit. You and your new friend want to bounce to an after-hours spot?
8 Mile
Hey, what the fuck, you guys? I'm out! Fuck you, Cheddar!
8 Mile
Hey. Uh, I saw you talkin' to Papa Doc in Chin Tiki.
8 Mile
All I'm lookin' for is a ticket.
8 Mile
8 Mile
The roof The roof The roof is on fire We don't need no water Let the motherfucker burn Burn, motherfucker Burn It's almost beautiful. When I was little, I used to want to live in a house like this. You know, how it used to be. You live with your family? [Siren Blaring, Distant] I got out of there as quick as I could. Left home when I was 17. What about you?