You were just in the neighborhood? [chuckles] Okay, I came for the staff. Perhaps I will hold onto it for now. I also wanted to see your faces one last time before I turn into a pile of ash. -Wait, what? -No! I am making a joke. I have an Uber waiting. -And besides... -[chuckles] ...I've been trapped in rocks and prisons for far too long. It's time to see your world. It's been an honor, a privilege, watching you all soar. You know, you're not such a bad wizard. Thank you, Jeff. -[sighs] It never ends. -[chuckles]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
-Billy Batson! -[Shazam screams] You are a fool of a champion. What the hell... What the hell is going on? What happened to her beautiful face? Also, aren't you, like, dead-ass dead? I bring a warning from beyond your realm. The daughters of Atlas are coming for you. Daughters of Atlas? They're coming to unmake your world and torture mankind for all eternity -in the Pit of Endless Agony. -Okay, I feel like maybe I should be writing all this down. -Quiet! -Okay, okay. You don't know what you've done. I regret ever choosing you. Because of you, the barrier between the world has been brought down. They will be hunting for you now. Hunting your family.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Who are you guys? Don't worry about that either. Look, we've seen what you can do. And we're here to make you an offer. How would you like to join -the Justice... -Yes! A thousand times yes! Oh, my gosh! I've been dreaming about this! Well, I mean, not this exactly. Like, normally, it's Wonder Woman in the dream, but... -Ew. -Huh? Well, that was easy. Welcome to the Justice Society. Yeah! Aweso... Wait, what? The Justice Society? Is that different than the Justice League? Yes. The Justice Society is different than the Justice League because of how words work. I just want to be in the Wonder Woman group. -So, that's you guys, right? -No. Why are you so obsessed with Wonder Woman, dude? He's joking, right? -No? -Okay. I'm out. I'm gonna wait here, 'cause of the shoes. Can you drive by and get me? [Shazam] Hey, just a little constructive criticism. It's pretty confusing that there are two separate groups of superheroes that are totally unaffiliated, but both have "Justice" in their name, you know. Like, have you guys ever thought about doing a rebranding of sorts? 'Cause just a quick search on, you got so many options, man. Like, "Authority Society." Eh? Uh, uh, "Code Society." That's stupid. These are, like, legal terms. [gasps] "The Avenger Society." [inhales sharply] I like that, for some reason.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
"The daughters guard the mythic Tree of Life which grows golden apples that contain the seeds of life which gave birth to their realm protected by a... -dragon." -Hey, now. And I am suddenly here for this. I know, right? 'Cause, like, on one hand, totally terrifying. -On the other hand, dragon! -Dragon! Mary. What are we doin'? I don't know, man. This is your meeting. Right, yes, fine, but we all need to be on the same page and, and, and look, I often think that you think better than me. The wizard did not exactly give me a tutorial here, guys, okay? Like, I don't know how a lot of this stuff works. That, that room of doors, or that violin that is, like, constantly burning which is super weird but also definitely keeps the lair cozy, right? He didn't even tell me my superhero name. And it's not like I'm not tryin'. But I really, really need your help.
That's a spider. I'm sorry, that's disgusting. Also, [chuckling] that's really embarrassing. Yes, it is. But it was an amazing thing you did. The sacrifice you made. You brought this world back to life. Maybe this time, gods and humans can learn to live in peace. Yeah.
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[superhero Eugene quavering]
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
Shazam! Fury of the Gods
[Rosa] Anthea. Have you decided what you're gonna do about that god realm of yours? Well, actually I'm gonna take some time off while it heals. Spend some time with the common folk. Learn some about your world, about how, maybe, we can learn from each other. Number one sign of wisdom: Admitting there's always more to learn. I'm coming around to it. [doorbell rings]