Found 1443 results
I'm not The Special?
The Lego Movie
- No! It has to be this way! - No, I need that!
The Lego Movie
Found your pants. Series is over. Benny... send this out to everyone in the universe.
The Lego Movie
- Unh! - Vitruvius.
The Lego Movie
But I just said that.
The Lego Movie
Like an underwater spaceship!
The Lego Movie
With rainbows! And dream catchers, in case we take a nap.
The Lego Movie
You accidentally... expertly... carefully took the entire top off of that tower?
The Lego Movie
The pleasure... is all "spine." Guess what... you big dumb baby. Your car is a baby carriage.
The Lego Movie
Get him out of here. I don't wanna look at him.
The Lego Movie
The prophecy...
The Lego Movie
Come on, guys!
The Lego Movie
You bring your space chair right back here!
The Lego Movie
We can still do this. Right?
The Lego Movie
It didn't break!
The Lego Movie
Abraham Lincoln!
The Lego Movie
Release the Kragle!
The Lego Movie
Whoa. How did he...?
The Lego Movie