Found 1766 results
It's the one thing that stayed together.
The Lego Movie
Rest in pieces.
The Lego Movie
I wanted to be The Special.
The Lego Movie
Spaceship, spaceship, spaceship!
The Lego Movie
Have the young man step forward.
The Lego Movie
See you later, alligator.
The Lego Movie
Commencing micro-management.
The Lego Movie
What's going on? I can't move!
The Lego Movie
Robin Hood, Mermaid Lady... Gandalf...
The Lego Movie
I can build a spaceship. Watch. Spaceship, spaceship, spaceship Spaceship, spaceship No! You can't. The skies are surrounded.
The Lego Movie
No, "Dumbledore."
The Lego Movie
What's that on his ankle?
The Lego Movie
You must embrace what is special about you!
The Lego Movie
Stop him! Stop him! Don't let him... get to the water! Dive, dive, dive! Everybody in! We're going under!
The Lego Movie
And I'll tell you me tale of woe.
The Lego Movie
Anyway, you guys gotta check out these new subwoofers I installed.
The Lego Movie
Let's go! We need to get Emmet out of here.
The Lego Movie