Found 1766 results
5 Mississippi...
The Lego Movie
- Spaceship! Ha, ha! - Great idea. A Bat-Spaceship.
The Lego Movie
Kill a chicken?
The Lego Movie
- But we bought it at the toy store. - We did.
The Lego Movie
You can't expect me to be able to resist playing with all this.
The Lego Movie
The box for this one said ages 8 to 14.
The Lego Movie
Business, business, business. Numbers.
The Lego Movie
Thought you said "Dubbadore."
The Lego Movie
- Whoa! Yay! - Ha-ha-ha!
The Lego Movie
- Dang it! - Every man for himself.
The Lego Movie
Vitruvius, they're gaining on us. Build something! Let Emmet try! No, let's not let Emmet try! I haven't had any training.
The Lego Movie
Well done, Emmet.
The Lego Movie
And now we have to finish what he started... by making whatever weird thing pops into our heads.
The Lego Movie
Well, what do we do now?
The Lego Movie
Aha. Take that!
The Lego Movie
We need to attach the wheel to something that spins around.
The Lego Movie
Yes, Lord Business.
The Lego Movie