Found 2014 results
- Hey, Joe. - Hey, pal.
The Lego Movie
Step three." We break into Lord Business' office... and we'll plunder his collection of relics for disguises.
The Lego Movie
Unikitty... you're supposed to follow the instructions, remember?
The Lego Movie
It's Green Lantern. Oh, my gosh, we're roommates! How crazy is that?
The Lego Movie
- Can't we build something? - Hey! I'm Ben. But you can call me Benny.
The Lego Movie
Oh, no! They've hit our silly cloud stabilizers!
The Lego Movie
Friends, welcome to Cloud Cuckooland. Now...
The Lego Movie
Can't get much worse than this.
The Lego Movie
Ugh, this gives me the jeebies.
The Lego Movie
- ...attitude. - Ouch.
The Lego Movie
President Business was going to use the Kragle... to end the world in three days. I can't make any sense of it. Taco Tuesday.
The Lego Movie
Hold still. Wait! There's obviously been a mix-up here. You've got the wrong...
The Lego Movie
We'll start with how to become a MasterBuilder.
The Lego Movie
I really like that name.
The Lego Movie
Let's get him, fellas!
The Lego Movie
The Lego Movie