We just went from £150,000 to 20 million. That's a steep rise in 30 seconds. Yeah, but I would argue that you're lucky, because that is nothing compared to what I could, and perhaps should, be asking. Oh, well, thank God you're not greedy, Fletcher, you deluded, shit-eating cunt. [chuckles] I quite like it when you talk dirty to me.
The Gentlemen
So Big Dave, editor extraordinaire, has developed a terrible antipathy for your boss and his liquorish assortment of tasty mates. He's out to destroy him and all those that cozy up to him. Front cover. Bosh! There will be blood and fucking feathers everywhere, my darling.
The Gentlemen
I looked it up. App-ed it. 1500 quid? I didn't know you could spend that much on a bottle of scotch.
The Gentlemen
So what do you think?
The Gentlemen
[Fletcher] So these two have met before. Fuck knows where. Presumably at the annual international drug dealers convention in Las Vegas. And they've done some small deals together, but now they're ready for the big one. Well, that was unexpected, Matthew.
The Gentlemen
I'm not sure. [Matthew] Your Grace. [woman] He's a fox, and foxes have a predictable nature. Trust this Jew about that Jew. If you let him in the henhouse, you can expect blood and feathers everywhere.
The Gentlemen
His Grace, the duke? Yeah. Once fourth in line to the throne. Apparently Mickey Pearson has squeaked his way into the crack of his fat, posh ass.
The Gentlemen
- May we excuse ourselves? - Yes, please.
The Gentlemen
Well, he wasn't fucking hollow, was he?
The Gentlemen
Toffs, aristocrats, dukes, duchesses, lords and ladies, lots of land and fuck all dough. Houses to keep, damp to keep out, silver to polish. You must remember that cash is very persuasive to the class that got spanked by angry lefties and death duties.
The Gentlemen
And the public have rights: dog walkers... - [horn honks] - Yes, jog on. ...footpaths, right to roam, bimblers, ramblers, - badger lovers... - [squeaks]
The Gentlemen
The number is 150,000.
The Gentlemen
That's it. My infrastructure.
The Gentlemen
No. Editor of the Daily Print. [Fletcher] Turns out Dave had gone after one of Mickey's lords, did a proper tabloid job on him. It would appear that His Lordship had had a quick spin on one of his attractive young footmen. After the splash, shares crashed, job went, wife followed, and even his kids disowned him. Well, that Dave can't half be a cunt.
The Gentlemen
But no one will pull him on it. Too fucking scared that Dave will do a feature on them. But your Mickey, he's got a fabulous set of balls. So he snubbed him in front of a crowd that Dave could only wish he belonged to. You know, lords and ladies, the sort that Mickey feels very comfortable in front of.
The Gentlemen
So why has Big Dave got it in for my boss? Two months ago, your man Mickey made my man Dave feel like a right fucking idiot. Henry. Mickey. How did he do that? Didn't accept his hand. - Dave. Daily Print. - Yes.