- [Dry Eye] Open them up. - [man] Yes, boss. [man speaks Chinese]
The Gentlemen
[stutters mockingly] Double bubble?
The Gentlemen
[speaks Chinese]
The Gentlemen
Good Lord.
The Gentlemen
White widow super cheese. [chuckles] It's the new gold rush. This is the thin end of a very fat wedge, sir. If it's such a fat wedge, why don't you keep it? You see, I've developed a reputation as a man who came up the hard way. You could say that there's blood on these pretty white hands. But in the new business, once legal and under the jurisdiction of the respectable umbrella of ministerial legitimacy, an enterprise like this will need a face with a clean past, which sadly I do not possess. Retirement doesn't sound so bad. Long walks in the countryside, pruning roses with my better half, raising some cubs. [inhales] I've earned it.
The Gentlemen
And I'm not greedy. You and I both know that 400 million is a fair-to-generous asking price, especially considering that once this game's kosher, it's going to be worth somewhere between 200 billion and, well, half a trillion pounds.
The Gentlemen
Look, we both know growing is only 50% of the business.
The Gentlemen
Yes, it's a win-win, no matter how you look at it.
The Gentlemen
And that's if you do nothing with it.
The Gentlemen
Weed. Bush.
The Gentlemen
The Gentlemen
The Gentlemen
- Second thoughts? - No second thoughts. I like middle age. I like gentrification, private schools, fine wines and a spoonful of caviar to help my medicine go down. But most importantly, I'm looking forward to spending more time with you. Course you are.
The Gentlemen
Don't blame the Dodge, dear. You know he's got a special nose and he's doing this old dog a favor. Dodge, get down there and earn your money. Gone.
The Gentlemen
Rodge is supposed to be working down there and you're up here blowing his brains out. - I'm on it, boss. - You wanna be.
The Gentlemen
What you doing here anyway? Thought I'd come by to have a cup of tea with my wife.