But what he did not plan on, you see... Fuck you, you old cunt! I'll piss on your grave.
The Gentlemen
- I knew you'd been following Michael. - [camera shutter clicks] They're very similar, our jobs.
The Gentlemen
[Dry Eye grunts]
The Gentlemen
You couldn't lift a wheel of cheese, you cunt.
The Gentlemen
Look at you sweat, bruv. [laughs] Nearly there. Nearly there. Nearly there. [laughs] Lift those legs up. Come on, bro. You should have brought your running shoes today, bro. Trying out for the Olympics, are we?
The Gentlemen
[Raymond] Of course we were aware of what Matthew was up to. We're not complete fucking idiots. [sizzles] I've been onto you for a long time, Fletcher.