Everything changes, Jim. Everything evolves. HALLIDAY: Some things are perfect just the way they arAsteroids. People don't live inside an Asteroids arcade cabinet.
Ready Player One
SHO: Dude! That's the Cataclyst. Now, personally, I don't care. I'd just as soon never set foot in the OASIS again, let alone have to deal with any of this absurdity. But I know how important Halliday's competition is to you, so... I will never let the future of the OASIS rest in your hands, Nolan Sorrento. Well, that's fine. Three easy steps. One. Wait, I thought you were bluffing. You know that kills all of us, right? I've got 10 years' worth of shit inside of me. Last chance. Two. I'm not goin' out like that. That's a camper move. You don't even know how to activate an orb. (WADE GRUNTS)
Ready Player One
Why would that scare me?
Ready Player One
WADE: Wait. He's trying to win.
Ready Player One
(THUNDER RUMBLING) Are you absolutely sure you want to go here? Absolutely positive. Let's hope you have the belly for it. (ALL GASP)
Ready Player One
(GROANING) AUTOMATED VOICE: Work violation. Work violation.
Ready Player One
(CLEARS THROAT) You know, Jim used to say the OASIS was never supposed to be a one-player game.
Ready Player One
I don't think this is it. No scoreboard, no obstacles. -Maybe a dance challenge? -Huh? Whoa!
Ready Player One
We've been thinking about it too literally. "The leap not taken," the leap Halliday didn't take, is with Kira. Yeah, but... I mean, he blamed her for breaking up him and Morrow. No. Halliday was madly in love with her. He had a chance with Kira. He had a chance to kiss her, but-- He didn't take the leap. Right. So that's where we go next. The place where the leap wasn't taken. Where the date was. At the movies! -(THUNDER RUMBLING) -Hey, Curator. We figured out the second clue. The challenge is here. Halliday kept track of every movie he ever watched, the week and the year he watched it, and how many times. Curator, can we see November 23 to 27, 2025? That's the week he went on the date with Kira.
Ready Player One
Oh, wow. A quarter. You can keep it. No. You can keep it.
Ready Player One
First to the key! ALL: First to the egg! First to the egg! MAN: ♪ We're not gonna take it ♪ No, we ain't gonna take it ♪ We're not gonna take it anymore ♪ We've got the right to choose it ♪ There ain't no way we'll lose it ♪ This is our life, this is our song Adventure. ♪ We'll fight the powers that be just ♪ Don't pick our destiny 'cause ♪ You don't know us, you don't belong -(SQUEALING) -(ALL GRUNTING)
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Goodbye, Parzival.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Get it together, Sixer. Back to respawn. Let's go, move. You're in.