Three hours and 40 minutes. Did-did you just guess that or did know the answer? No, that's correct. That's incredible. - Wow. - It's not that amazing. - It is, no. - Relax. I-I... Is it all math questions? I thought it was, like, city shit. No, no. You have to prove that you're not stupid, and then you can work for the city. Oh. Oh. So I can never work for the city.
The King of Staten Island
Uh... Yeah, I guess, like Ray, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I guess you could say that you have a type. Uh-huh. Yeah. I have a type.
The King of Staten Island
Well, he was a great guy. He was a very complicated guy.
The King of Staten Island
He had a really big heart. Mm. Like, like Ray?
The King of Staten Island
I know we don't really talk about it much, but...
The King of Staten Island
...I, uh... I-I miss Dad.
The King of Staten Island
Me, too.
The King of Staten Island
The King of Staten Island
And, uh...
The King of Staten Island
Oh, Jesus Christ. What are you doing here? Look, uh, I-I don't have anywhere else to go, all right? I'm out of options, so... Why would I care? I'm sorry. Like, uh-uh... Go sleep under a tree. I don't care. Do you have any idea what you took from me? Do you? Huh? You do a 60-minute interview with my ex-wife to find out what kind of guy I am? What do you think she was gonna say? - I don't know. I... - By the way, I'm not a gambler, okay? I day-trade. I don't know the difference. You should've found out before you shot your mouth off. I know you smoke a lot of weed, but you're not dumb. You knew what the fuck you were doing. You went to the person that hates me the most to get the worst review you could possibly get. Why didn't you come down here and ask these guys what they thought of me? Did you ever think of doing that? I'm sorry. You're right. You're right. - Uh, I shouldn't have done... - You're not sorry or you wouldn't have done it. So now what? Now you don't have a place to stay? So now you come down here with your little puppy dog look on your face, and I'm supposed to feel bad? Look, all I know is, if you're not nice to me, then my mom will hate you forever and she'll never forgive you. Really? You're gonna play that card? It's a, it's a pretty good card. It's all I got.
The King of Staten Island
Hey, do you know where Ray Bishop is? He's in the back. Come with me. How about next time you put your mask on before we get off the rig? I mean, I'm standing at that front door for a minute - waiting for you. What the hell? - I told him to. Always with the backhanded compliment. Why can't you just, you know, at least say the nice thing and then... - Listen, you should be happy with any compliment. - Okay. - It's constructive criticism. - It's... - It just... It's always bad. - Go ahead. I would respond better to encouragement. I'm just... I encourage you to shut the fuck up.
The King of Staten Island
Hey, I, uh... I'm in a bit of a situation. You think I could stay here for a few days? What are you talking about? Well, it's silly. Me and Ray got into this big fight, and then my mom caught us, and she just started yelling at us. And she threw us out, so... She kind of lost her mind.
The King of Staten Island
I'm really glad we did that. It was really nice. Me, too. That was awesome. Yeah. I missed you. Oh, yeah? I missed you, too. Just like, uh, old times. I miss all my friends, you know. Mr. Shark, Mr. Weird Skeleton. Well, they missed you, too. They missed you, too.
The King of Staten Island
Hey, you. What the hell are you doing there? Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this was my house. Get out of my backyard! Get the hell out of here!
The King of Staten Island
Hey, yo, Dougie, can I crash in your room? That's not happening, bro. Jesus Christ.
The King of Staten Island
- Good for him, man. - I know. - That's awesome. - Yeah.
The King of Staten Island
The King of Staten Island
What the hell are you still doing here? Well, you know, believe it or not, I-I couldn't find a place to live in just a night, so... - I believe it. - I'm kind of fucked, Ray. Yes, you are. I'd say finish up your free breakfast, and, uh, hit the bricks. All right. It's all right. The kid can stay. But you got to work, all right? You ready to do some work? Yeah. Did... did you just, did you just make me a fireman? No. Go clean the toilets or get the fuck out. Did I make you a... What... Hey, do me a favor. The bathroom downstairs... I-I used it. You can start there. Great. Get gloves. Pretty muddy. You know, when I see a big stain like that, I go up and down, and then I go left and right. - Good times. - There you go. You got to get the splatter.