- Right, this one. This way, this way. - Stop using his feet. - I'm sorry. - Can we just put him down? - I'm absolutely soaked. - Lamp. Lamp, lamp. - Out of the way. - No, wait a minute... move, move. Mikoyan, move out of the way, quickly. - I can't, I can't. - Fucking hell! - Fuck. Jesus Christ! - Turn him over. Fuck me! Three fittings I had for this suit. Three.
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
He looks ready now. - I need a vodka. - I need a wash. But we didn't drop him. Well done, us. Oh, I still got fucking tomato in my pocket. It's still funny.
The Death of Stalin
Ah! Ohh...
The Death of Stalin
He's irreplaceable. How can we possibly... All right, we must think of the people. As Acting General Secretary, I must step up. I must... I must take his place while he's... on the floor. But you just said he's irreplaceable. Irreplaceable. Take his place as in assembling the Central Committee, of course. Good. I was testing you. Get used to that sort of challenge.
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
Khrustalyov! Khrustalyov!
The Death of Stalin
The Death of Stalin
- God. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. - To me. - Turn, turn, turn. - This way. There we go. - Yeah, all right. Are you wearing pyjamas? Can we just stop twittering like fishwives at the market and concentrate? - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Open the door. Back up, back up. No, no, that way. Go. Right, go. - Get back to the kitchen now! - Move! - Move! - Now. Now.
The Death of Stalin
Oh, God.
The Death of Stalin
They told me not to get a doctor. You did well, Matryona Petrovna. The Central Committee will handle things now.
The Death of Stalin
- Never mind. Swap. - No. - Just swap with me. - I said no.
The Death of Stalin
Third door on the left. On the left. I have been picturing this moment every day for the last three decades.