$400, two days. We find her earlier, I still get to keep it. Done. HOLLAND". Deal. Great. 'Cause I already know where she is.
The Nice Guys
(KNOCKING ON DOOR) March. Jack Healy. Don't get upset. I'm not here to hurt you. I just wanna ask you a question.
The Nice Guys
JACKSON: $400, that's all.
The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
Look away.
The Nice Guys
Fuck, fuck.
The Nice Guys
The Nice Guys
So, two days in advance. $400.
The Nice Guys
No, she paid me up front, actually, you know. What it is, for me, is I like where I live and I don't wanna move.
The Nice Guys
You know, I asked around about you. There's a couple of people I trust say you're pretty good at this. Well, that's surprising. I would have thought your job ended with breaking my fucking arm. (CHUCKLES) Well, you know, technically it did. I'm off the clock. This is a separate situation. (CLICKS TONGUE)
The Nice Guys
What are you doing here? Giving you a rim job. What? Rim shot. - Rim shot. - HOLLY: Whatever. Hey, can we go one more game before...
The Nice Guys
Three what? Three days in advance if you want the rest of the story.
The Nice Guys
Plus whatever the old lady's giving you. Old lady? Fuck you, old lady. You broke my arm. I quit, remember? So call her up, get back on the case. Get paid twice.
The Nice Guys
I'm not buying this nice guy act, pal. She owes you money, doesn't she? - You're coming to collect? -(SIGHING) You want me to finger her so you can throw acid in her face? Well, no.
The Nice Guys
Last week this old broad comes to me and she asks me to find her niece, Misty Mountains. Misty Mountains?
The Nice Guys
What does that mean? Fuck it.
The Nice Guys
I'm a detective and we have a code. We don't do that. But interesting. Good to know. - Okay. - Good to know. You were looking for Amelia, right? Yes and no. Excuse me? My profession is very complicated, okay? It's nuanced.
The Nice Guys
The porno actress? The one that died? The young lad)'- The porno young lady. But, yeah, she died in a crash and then two days later, her aunt goes to her house to clean out the place, and lo and behold, alive and well, Misty Mountains. She sees her through the window. She sees her get in her car. - She sees her drive away. - Bullshit. Bullshit's right. She's dead and then she's alive. That's what I'm talking about. It's very fucking complicated.