You're talking about turning theory into a practical weapons system faster than the Nazis. Who have a 12-month head start. Eighteen. How could you possibly know that? Our fast neutron research took six months. The man they've undoubtedly put in charge will have made that leap instantly. Who do you think they put in charge? Werner Heisenberg. He has the most intuitive understanding of atomic structure I have ever seen. - You know his work? - I know him. Just like I know Walther Bothe, von Weizsäcker, Diebner. In a straight race, the Germans win. - We've got one hope. - Which is? Anti-Semitism. What? Hitler called quantum physics "Jewish science." Said it right to Einstein's face. Our one hope is that Hitler is so... so blinded by hate that he's denied Heisenberg proper resources, because it'll take vast resources. Our nation's best scientists working together. Right now, they're scattered. Which gives us compartmentalization. All minds have to see the whole task to contribute efficiently. Poor security may cost us the race. Inefficiency will. The Germans know more than us anyway. The Russians don't. Remind me, who are we at war with? Somebody with your past doesn't want to be seen downplaying the importance of security from our Communist allies. Point taken. But, no. (scoffs) You don't get to say "no" to me. It's my job to say "no" to you when you're wrong. So you have the job now? Uh, I'm considering it. I'm starting to see where you got your reputation.
Can a distinction be made between Soviet Communism and Communism? Well, in the days when I was a member, I thought they were definitely two things. - Oh? - I thought that the Communist Party of the United States was concerned with our domestic problems. I now no longer believe this. Believe the whole thing's linked together and spread all over the world, and I have believed this since I left the Party 16 years ago. - But... - Seventeen years ago. My mistake. - But you said... - Sorry, 18. Eighteen years ago.
What the hell were you doing in Chicago? Visiting the Met? - Why? Why? - Well, you can't talk to... Because we have every right... You have just the rights that I give you. No more, no less. We are adults trying to run a project here. This is ridiculous. Tell him. Compartmentalization is the protocol we agreed to.
(thunder rumbling)
Density increases. Correct. Increasing gravity. Increasing density. - And? - It's a vicious cycle until... what's the limit here?
ROBERT: Her father called. They found her yesterday in the bath. Who?
- They won't let me leave. - ROBERT: No. I won't let you leave.
I'll send a message.
(disquieting music playing)
(disquieting music playing) You think anyone in Hiroshima or Nagasaki gives a shit who built the bomb? They care who dropped it. I did. Hiroshima isn't about you.
ROBERT: "And now I am become Death. The destroyer of worlds."