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What the hell are you still doing here? Well, you know, believe it or not, I-I couldn't find a place to live in just a night, so... - I believe it. - I'm kind of fucked, Ray. Yes, you are. I'd say finish up your free breakfast, and, uh, hit the bricks. All right. It's all right. The kid can stay. But you got to work, all right? You ready to do some work? Yeah. Did... did you just, did you just make me a fireman? No. Go clean the toilets or get the fuck out. Did I make you a... What... Hey, do me a favor. The bathroom downstairs... I-I used it. You can start there. Great. Get gloves. Pretty muddy. You know, when I see a big stain like that, I go up and down, and then I go left and right. - Good times. - There you go. You got to get the splatter.

The King of Staten Island

Is that why you're here right now? No. Did you just fuck me for shelter? No, I didn't fuck you for shelter. Uh, I-I-I didn't do anything. What? I didn't... I just... I just need a place to stay. Oh, God. Dude, dude, how many times we got to do this? What do you mean? I-I just want to... I just need... It's just for a couple weeks. It's not that big of a deal. A few weeks? You just said a few days. - Uh, or a couple months. It's... - Months? I'm figuring my stuff out. I don't know the future. Oh, my God, you... There you go. - What the... Hey. - I'm not going to let myself be upset by you, but I'm gonna tell you something. You make me feel so crazy. I'm not gonna let myself be crazy now, but you make me feel crazy! You are so crazy that you make everyone around you feel fucking crazy. The people meet you, and they're normal people, and then they hang out with you, and then they're fucking Jack Nicholson in The Shining or something. Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got to stay Zen. I got to meditate. I'm meditating right now, and you got to go. - What? What? - Yeah, here's your shit. Okay. Staying calm. You got to leave. It's time to go. Well... Get out. Well, I don't have anywhere to go. It's not my problem anymore. Thank you for the sex. It was wonderful until you started talking. You got to go. Could I sleep in your brother's room? No. But he has bunk beds. He's 14 years old.

The King of Staten Island

- Igor. - Mm-hmm. Go get that shit, bro. What are you doing? Yo, he is the worst assistant. He's clearly going through a lot. How much for, like, six Xanax? Six. What do we have? What do we have? - Who needs six Xanax? - I got one, two... I got three right here, I think. One, two... Is this a... Yeah. - How you doing? - I'm all right. Yo, you're Jimmy Bags' brother, right? Yes, bro. Tell your brother he's a bitch. - You understand that? - Yeah. I do. - Say it back to me. - He's a bitch. He's a bitch. And now, you know what? I got four, but you're paying for six. Nah, come on. That's my fucking brother, bro. - Like, what are you... - Nah. Nah, dude. I hate your brother. And now you look like a little version of him, and I want to punch you in the face. So, instead of doing that, just give me 60. I only got 40. Then go home, do chores, and come back. - I don't give a fuck. - I-I can't. I stole it from my mom's purse, but she only had 40. Well, then, give me your shoes. No, bro, I can't. Just give me your shoes and we'll call it a day. - Hey, what size are you? - Like, a nine. Those'll fit you. - Igor, you can have those. - I'll take 'em. Look at that, Igor got a gift. - He's not a fucking nine. - Fuck you! You don't make fun of my friend! He-he can't get on fucking roller coasters, - he's that small. - Shut the fuck up! - Whoa! - We make fun of him! - How is he gonna wear them? - You don't make fun of him! - He's our friend. He rides roller coasters all the time. We make fun of him, not you. He's, like, a size five, bro, like... Yo! Stop! Get the fuck away from my window. You guys are a bunch of fucking pussies. Mom, he's saying he's gonna wear these cargo shorts to the party. Oh, no. What? I told you to wear Dad's suit. I don't want to wear Dad's old suit, okay? - I have my own personal style, and I... - Get the fuck off me! - Don't do that! - I-I don't want to wear a suit, okay? I think, I think I'm gonna throw up. I think I have the flu. Oh, oh, okay. Just-just breathe through your nose. One second. Oh, shut up. Mom, he looks like he fucking sells crack under a bridge. I know the guy who sells crack under the bridge, okay? And he looks awesome. Just put on the suit, Scott, please. No! It's not fair! She thinks she's, like, princess of the world... Okay, well, then just please be respectful for two fucking seconds! ...because she graduated high school. Everybody graduates high school! - Shut up! - Scott! - ♪ Oh, she's a jolly good fellow ♪ - Oh. Mom, please... Just put on the suit. Be respectful. I'll be home in an hour. Fine! Thank you.

The King of Staten Island

That was fucking fun. I know. It was so fun. Yeah, like, I feel like, I feel like I kind of fit in for once, you know? And not everybody hated me for the first time. You should come here. Yeah? You think I can get into a place like this? I mean, you'd need a good GPA. Yeah, well, I don't have a good one of those. I-I didn't even graduate high school. Don't you have to graduate high school to go to college? Yeah, but it's not, like, too late to do that. All right, even so, you know, I-I'm a little too old. I'd look like a narc, you know? I would look creepy in the corner. Everybody'd be like, "What's that guy doing here?" Everybody here is so old. All right, well, I'm fucking stupid, Claire, okay? Is that what you want me to say? I can't pay attention. I can't sit still, okay? I'm stupid. I'm a dumb idiot. I would have to work ten times harder than those people. And everybody would fucking make fun of me, and I'm not ready to deal with that again, all right? So, no. So, that's it? Huh? That's how long you're gonna think about going to college for? I mean, that was, like, a 40-second walk. Uh, that's a lot of consideration, don't you think? Okay. - It's your journey. - Indeed. Now, let's get down to brass tacks, all right? W-What are we gonna do about Ray? - What do you mean? - Don't act stupid. I mean, h-how are we gonna, you know, get Mom to break up with him? I think he seems fine. - You think he's fine? - What do you want? It's Mom's choice to make. We don't need to get involved. Yeah, I know, but we should still protect her. She can't just be with the first guy she's been with since Dad. She got to, like, peruse some dick.

The King of Staten Island

Well, I know you're into art, so I thought you could expand your horizons while I'm gone. You got a gift receipt for this? - You okay? - Fine... Yeah. Wh-What do you mean? Yeah, I'm... You gonna be okay without me here? What, you don't think I can survive here without you? Okay, just don't be a dick, okay? Like, be nice to Mom, okay? Don't give her a hard time. - She deserves a break. - I always give her a-a break. What are you... When's... When am I gonna get my break? Like... What are you talking about? All anyone ever does is worry about you. I was ignored my entire childhood 'cause of you. Oh, yeah, I forgot that my childhood was so dandy. Okay, you don't get to act crazy your whole life just 'cause Dad died, okay? At least you got to know him. Well, you're lucky you didn't get to know him, okay? 'Cause that's why you're almost normal. If you got to know him, you would've known that he was, like, the fucking coolest guy ever, and that would've ruined the rest of your life. Okay, like, but what are you gonna do? Are you gonna get a job or are you gonna leave the house? I don't know. I-I'm gonna open that tattoo restaurant. No, like, for real. I am being real. It's a great... It's never been done before. I looked it up. I googled it. It's never been done, not even as a joke. Because no one wants to go to a restaurant and watch people get tattooed while they eat. - It's gross. - It's the best idea ever. Ruby Tattoosdays, where everyone's welcome. - Chicken and tattoos. - That's not a business! You know, you got to get your shit together. Time is passing by very quickly. That's why I smoke weed all the time, okay? It slows it all down. Fucking God. See, I'm worried about you. Well, why now? You never gave a shit. You, like, literally never cared until this second. Like, wh-what, what gives? You never looked out for me once. You're my older brother. You're supposed to look out for me. You're-you're just guilty 'cause you're leaving? Now, all of a sudden, you're afraid I'm gonna die? I was gonna die anyway, whether you stay or not. - Are you gonna hurt yourself? - Probably. Yeah, I'm probably gonna hurt myself. I don't know how, but yeah.

The King of Staten Island

- No. - What are you laughing about? 'Cause it's a stupid question, Ray. - What do you mean, stupid? - It's fucking stupid. Would you ask the kids of that teacher who blew up in space if they want to be an astronaut? Whoa, I don't think that lady had any kids, though. Yeah, I'm sure she didn't 'cause she died in space. It's hard to have kids when you're dead in space. Look, I-I could tell you how I feel about firemen, but I-I don't think you guys want to hear my opinion. - No, no, no, please tell us. - No, no. No, no, no. - No. I want to hear it. - You don't got to do this, man. - Come on. - All right, no. - Yeah. Okay, how about this? - Come on, you don't... Uh, if you're a fireman, just don't have kids or a family at all, okay? So that way, you don't fucking crush them when you don't come home that one time, you know? And-and you're just so selfish. You just hang out with your boys all day like it's a fucking frat house. Half the time, you're not even putting out fires. You're just jerking off, watching Scarface, okay? - All right, take it easy, man. - No, I'm just saying. And it's wrong to tell a kid that you're gonna be there for him for his whole entire life. Yeah, but you miss graduation, your birthdays, okay? Uh, my d... my prom dances. That's a very mean thing to do to children. And, uh, if you have a family, - y-you're an asshole. - No, listen, no. Take it easy, take it easy. - Well, that's one way to look at it. - Yeah. Tell that to my dad.

The King of Staten Island

All right. - You're all done. - That looks really good. Yeah, I mean, I wish you'd let me do something cooler, but yeah. Oh, fuck no. That hurts so bad. - Another dumb tattoo. - Yeah, but I-I like the pain. The-the pain is the whole point of getting tattoos. Don't you just love when you're getting tattooed, and it hits the bone and pinches a nerve, and you're like... I'm not a fan of the pain. You shouldn't let him do it to you, all right? He's inconsistent. I think that tattoo's dumb. Y'all should've told me when you saw the design. It says, "Unfollow me." You don't even have that many followers. Carla follows me. - Bro, she's imaginary. - Carla not real. Carla's not real, dude. How many times do we have to say this? She's not real. I hate bugs, dawg. I'm a gangster! No, that's a bee, bro! There's a kid down there. - Yo, kid! - Oh, yo. - Yo, kid, what's up? - Oh, shit, there is a kid. What are you doing? You hanging out on the beach? Come here, come here. Don't-don't be shy. No stranger danger here. I'm not gonna touch you. - What's up, pal? - What are you doing? I'm looking for my friend. "Looking for my friend." You want to be friends with us? We're the good guys, right? - You can hang out with us, pal. - Come on. Let me get some of that. Put it right there.

The King of Staten Island

♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Come on, try a little ♪ ♪ Nothing is forever ♪ ♪ There's got to be something better than ♪ ♪ In the middle ♪ ♪ But me and Cinderella ♪ ♪ We put it all together ♪ ♪ We can drive it home ♪ ♪ With one headlight ♪ ♪ She said it's cold, it feels like... ♪ My head hurts. I... This-this is why I don't drink. I just, I just smoke weed.

The King of Staten Island

Hey, hey, wait. Hey, hey, guys. Look, look. You can't be here, man. - Y-You got to go. - Why? It's private property, that's why. It's an abandoned orphanage. Why can't we be here? Who gives a shit, man? What are you doing here? You fucking protecting the ghosts of dead orphans? Look, fat Kanye, shut your damn mouth. I'll be back in five minutes for you assholes. If you're still here, I'm calling the cops, period. You better get the cops, man, 'cause you're a fake cop. - You need the real ones. - Motherfuckers. - Fuck all of y'all. - I feel bad. We-we were a little too mean. - Yeah. - He's nice. Yeah, he's a really good guy. See, that guy... that is what is wrong with Staten Island. We don't get any cool people from any of the other boroughs. No one comes here. We're stuck with the fucking pricks that live here. You're talking about us. Right in front of us. Yeah, kinda. I mean, no one comes here. There's no flow of people. That guy's, like, 200. We've known him since we were six. Why can't we be cool like Brooklyn? There's no reason we shouldn't be cool like Brooklyn. We got amazing views. It's close to the city. It's cheap. Nice people. It makes no sense. We're, like, the only place that New Jersey looks down on. You could see the garbage dump from space. This place is never gonna change. No, it happened to the Meatpacking District, the Village. Brooklyn used to be a fucking shithole. We are next. I'm gonna take my civil service test. I'm gonna work in the city, in city planning. You watch, this place is gonna be like fucking Williamsburg - in ten years. - No, all right? No. Nobody wants that. Why do you want to work in the city and do city planning? That sounds so boring. I feel like Brooklyn is better. I dated a guy that lived in Brooklyn. He was a mixologist. He made ice cubes out of milk. - He was so classy. - Shut up! I love Staten Island. It's amazing. And people are gonna see it soon, trust me. Well, if you love it so much, why don't you let me tattoo it on you? No, I'm not gonna let you tattoo me again. Fine. Well, I need somebody to tattoo. I'm, I-I'm running out of... Come on, Rich. What about you, man? - Don't even look at me, dude. - Why? Your work is mad inconsistent. Obama ain't right. I got the eyes wrong, okay? He's not right. All right, man, this has hurt me, all right? I don't have any black friends anymore. I can't go to a barber shop no more. You got Obama wrong. Ain't nothing worse than that. What about you, Igor? You want a dragon or something? Oh, I love your tattoos. My brother? It's a spitting image. - Yeah. It's one of the best. - It's my favorite. No, no, no, no. This is my favorite. Oh, you killed that. - Yeah, I really worked hard on the eyes. - Just... He's so cute. I love his butthole. It reminds me that I have a belly button. - So, I'm good. - Yeah, I got to go. Watching you beg to give tattoos is too sad. And that's freaking me out. We're almost done. Almost.

The King of Staten Island

- Oh, fuck. - You'll be all right. - Oh, my God. - You'll be all right. Guys, I need help! This guy's bleeding! He's losing a lot of blood! - I need a gurney, please! - Oh, thank you. - All right, just hold... Put... - Thank you. Put pressure on it, all right? Hi. This guy's been, uh, either shot or stabbed. I don't know. He's been kind of vague about it. Sir, have you been shot? Stabbed? No. - I fell in a thorn bush. - Okay. Have him fill out this paperwork, and the doctor will call you when he's ready. Do me a favor, man. Can we just switch identities? What? No. Just let me use your driver's license. - We look nothing alike, dude. - No one's gonna know. Just trust me. I'm bleeding. It feels like I have to shit. Oh, Jesus Christ. I'm Margie's son. Do you know... I'm Margie's son. I don't know who that is. I'm just filling in. Okay. - I know. - My pain keeps coming. Tell that fucking cocksucker, my father, that I hate him and I love him at the same time and I forgive him. I-I-I do not need to do that, because you're gonna live.

The King of Staten Island

Hey. Hey. Uh... I was thinking of finally seeing that Game of Thrones. Should I binge it? Oh, it's a, it's a pretty violent show. You sure you could watch that? I work in an emergency room. Right, yeah. So, you could probably handle a good pillage. Yeah. Okay, well, maybe I'll start watching it. - Yeah. - You watch it with me? Um, well, I actually just kind of finished it, so I-I don't... It's really fresh in my mind, so I-I would probably... - Okay. - I can watch some of them. Uh, I don't think I can watch all of them again, but... - Well... - I'll see you later, then. All right. Uh, are you okay? Or... Oh. Yeah? Come on. Uh, it's, it-it's... It's okay. It's... I-I'm here. Uh, I'm here. Don't-don't worry about it. She's, you know... Well, she's only, like, 45 minutes away, and she'll-she'll probably call in, like, five minutes.

The King of Staten Island

They went to high school together. They went to fucking high school together. I'm like, "Only Stan could get away with that." I swear to God. Well, you know, the rumor is that he got the coke from the cops. Not that cop. There was another cop he knew in Manhattan. What? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! No. - Coke? What? No. - Guys, guys, guys. - Guys, it's his dad. - So? - I didn't know it was a secret. - It's his dad. You can't just tease me with that. - Please, guys, but... - It was... You don't understand. My mom, my mom tells me all these stories about how much he's like a saint and all that shit. Like, I-I would love to hear a coke story. - Please. - The PG-13 version. No, you don't... No, the real version. You don't understand the amount of pressure I'm under, - thinking this guy's perfect. - All right, fuck it, fuck it. All right, we were coked out of our minds. - Nice. - All right? We all were. We all... Well, I mean, uh, we were. - But that was a different time. I mean, we all did it. - Right. This guy was the cokehead. - You were the cokehead. - All right. I stopped four years ago. You know that. What are you talk... How do you think he stayed this skinny all these years? No, I have a high metabolism. They should have his face on a nickel in Bolivia.

The King of Staten Island

Yeah, hello. My name's Raymond Bishop. This is my son, Harold. Say hello, Harold. I'm sorry. What's going on? Well, it seems your son was down in the woods giving out free tattoos, and my son was one of his victims. What? Well, I-I don't understand. How do you know it was my son? How'd you get this address? I have my ways. Believe me, I have my ways. Are you a cop? No, I'm a fireman, okay? I work for a living. Look at this. Do you believe this? You see that there? See that line? I don't know if you burn these off or what, but we're taking care of this and you're paying for it, you understand me? - I don't know what this is. - Scott! Oh. I am... I'm so sorry. I-I-I... There's an aesthetic laser at the hospital where I work, and it can completely remove it. Uh, I get a discount. I'm-I'm gonna pay for the whole thing. I don't know what I'm saying. I'm... I feel terrible. You should feel terrible! Look at that! - What's up? Oh, fuck. - Ah, there he is. - You get your ass out here! - Hey, he said he was 18. He looks like he's four, you fucking moron! Sorry. - He consented! - He's lying. - Harold, come on! - Course he's lying! You can't have consent! He's nine years old! Dad, let's go. You're embarrassing me. We're not going anywhere, okay? He's just a little kid! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Uh, he was roaming around in the woods. He wanted a tattoo. W-Where were you? I was at fucking work! - Fuck you! - Hey! - Come out here! If I was you, I'd shut your fucking mouth, because I can call the cops right now and have your ass thrown in jail. - For what? - For sticking needles in a kid's arm, you fucking dope! Did you even raise him? Did you even raise him? You know, there's no reason to call the cops. I can handle this and I can also handle disciplining him. Well, clearly you can't or you wouldn't have a middle-aged son still living at home, tattooing minors against their will! I asked him to do it. - It's not his fault. - That's right. That's my man. Go wait in the car. Harold, go on. And don't raise your voice at me, either. Later, Harold. Don't say goodbye to my kid. Look both ways. - Look both ways! - Go to your room. - I am! - Watch your mouth. For your information, I am not a middle-aged man. I'm a 24-year-old man, and I'm going to my room 'cause I fucking want to. What kind of fucking animal are you raising in this house, huh? I'm bringing you the bill. I don't care what it costs, all right? - I mean, what the fuck is going on around here? - All right. Just give me a day to arrange the laser. All right. You know, you know something? I-Is his father home? Where's his dad? I-I don't, I don't want to fucking yell at you. He's deceased.

The King of Staten Island

I would like us to have dinner. I... This is very, very important to me. I am in a serious relationship... - You're in a serious rela... - ...with a very nice man. With that guy?! Come on! Y-You don't love him, do you? You're not say... You're not, like, saying that, right? I-I... Well, we don't use that word yet. But if he said it to me, I-I would say it back. Oh, my God! Jesus! Do you not learn?! Look what happened last time! - You want to do that again? - Okay. All right? How about this? How about we come by the restaurant and we have dinner when you're working and you just come by and you just say hi? Just say hi a couple times. How about that? How about that? How about... Why don't you ask him? Huh? Why don't you just build another shrine to Ray while you're at it? Right across from Dad's so they can be fucking pals!

The King of Staten Island

Hey, busboy, why is table 12 still dirty? Oh, 'cause they were talking. I didn't think I should interrupt them, but... Interrupt them. Get them out of here. - All right. - Do your job. - Sorry. Whoa. - Take it easy there, brother. - My bad. - Jesus. - Thank you. Uh, hi. Uh, are you done enjoying your meal? There is food in my mouth, and I am chewing. Do you think that I'm finished? I'm just holding this for my health? - Get me some water. - Sorry. - Hey, come here. Come here. Can we order? - Uh, yeah. - I'll go get your waiter. - Whoa, whoa, whoa. No, no, no. We don't have time for that. We're in a hurry. I'm starving. Okay. Can I go? Usually, the woman goes first, but go ahead. - No, no, no, no. - Oh, yeah? - How about I'm paying? - All right. Can I have a chicken parm with meat sauce? No marinara. Thin. Thin chicken parm. Why aren't you writing it down? Yeah, I-I can't actually because, uh, I'm not a waiter. I'm just a busboy, so they don't even give me a pen. Memorize it. Yeah. Seafood pasta. That's what I want. No clams, okay? Double up on the shrimp. That's how I always get it. We come here all the time. I'm not gonna remember a word you guys just said. It's not rocket science. Just go. - Get our shit. - Oh, I'm... All right. I'm starving. ♪ Send me the addy, I'm hunting 'em down ♪ ♪ Send me the addy, I'm hunting 'em down ♪ ♪ Grrt, grrt... ♪ There a dance party or something? - It's fight night. - All right, fight night! Tournament of champions! Fighting for tips. Who's going? Who's going first? - I, Zoots. - Zoots. - Everyone fights for their tips. - The tips that we earn? Y-Yeah, but you have to fight for them now. Who wants some?! Huh?! - Huh? - Who got it?! - It's you, bro. - No way. No, no way. - Put the gloves on. Get in there. Get in there. Hit him. - Hey, yo. - Hey. I don't want... Please, I don... I-I don't want to do this. - Let's just not do this. - You don't want to do this? - What do you mean? - No, well, 'cause we're friends, right? Yeah, no, for the next 15 seconds, this friendship is over, son. - Understand that? - What? - Hmm? - What? Got to understand, fighting is serious. - I don't like it. - It's sacred. It's how I tribute my Lord and Savior. - What? - It's the way I tribute my Lord and Savior, Jesus. I don't think Jesus would want you to kick my ass right now. He would want me to have these tips. - That's what he means. - You can have the tips. I don't even want 'em. - What is this? - I don't know. What's this shit? I've seen Creed a f... a couple times. - What'd you do? - I seen Creed a couple times. - Oh. - Are we about to do the Cotton Eye Joe? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Come on, son. - Okay. - Yeah. Okay. - Come on, son. Oh, that's right. You gonna come this way? Come this way, boy. - Okay. - Come on. Go ahead, take your shot, boy. - Go ahead, take your shot, boy. - For real? - Uh-huh, yeah. Come on! - Ooh! Now we are friends, - goddamn it! - Oh, geez. Take that shit. Yeah! We friends now, nigga, 'cause that's what friends are for. Out this bitch.

The King of Staten Island

I'm seeing somebody. What does that mean? Uh, uh, I'm seeing a man. Well, I-I've been dating someone for a little while now. You're dating someone? That-That's awesome. Like, w-why are you dating him secretly, you little slut? W-Why didn't you tell me? Is he, like, really, really old or... or is he really, really young? Is it one of my friends? Is it Igor? No, no, no. I just, I... I just didn't want to bother you unless it was really serious. Bother? You're my mom. I hope you're getting banged out real good. Who's the lucky guy? Uh, it's, um...

The King of Staten Island

♪ Mm ♪ ♪ Ay-oh ♪ ♪ Hey ♪ ♪ Ratatat ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na ♪ ♪ Tell me what you know about dreaming, dreaming ♪ ♪ You don't really know about nothing, nothing ♪ ♪ You don't really care about the trials of tomorrow ♪ ♪ Rather lay awake in the bed full of sorrow ♪ ♪ I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know ♪ ♪ Everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold, hey ♪ ♪ I'll be fine once I get it ♪ ♪ I'll be good ♪ ♪ I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know ♪ ♪ Everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold, hey ♪ ♪ I'll be fine once I get it ♪ ♪ I'll be good ♪ ♪ Tell me what you know about dreaming, dreaming ♪ ♪ You don't really know about nothing, nothing ♪ ♪ Tell me what you know about ♪ ♪ Them night terrors every night ♪ ♪ 5:00 a.m., cold sweats, waking up to the sky ♪ ♪ I'm on the pursuit of happiness and I know ♪ ♪ Everything that shine ain't always gonna be gold, hey ♪ ♪ I'll be fine once I get it ♪ ♪ I'll be good ♪ ♪ Pursuit of happiness ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ I'll get it ♪ ♪ I'll be good. ♪ ♪ Ooh... ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Oh, never, never, never ♪ ♪ Did I ever stop to think ♪ ♪ That I'd find myself here with you ♪ ♪ In your own world of dreams ♪ ♪ Oh, but here I am ♪ ♪ Again with you ♪ ♪ You are my joy ♪ ♪ And my joy is you ♪ ♪ Never, never ♪ ♪ Never did I ever stop loving you ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ Sometimes I stop and ask ♪ ♪ And wonder where you were ♪ ♪ Then I rip you from my mind ♪ ♪ 'Cause I thought you didn't care ♪ ♪ Oh, but here I am ♪ ♪ Again with you ♪ ♪ This time I know ♪ ♪ What my heart can do ♪ ♪ Never, never ♪ ♪ Never did I ever stop loving you ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ I don't know why ♪ ♪ I had to play the game of losing you ♪ ♪ To make me see ♪ ♪ That I still love you ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ ♪ But here I am ♪ ♪ Again with you ♪ ♪ You are my joy ♪ ♪ And my joy is you ♪ ♪ Never, never ♪ ♪ Never did I ever stop loving you ♪ ♪ Oh, no, oh, no ♪ ♪ Never, never, ooh, never, baby ♪ ♪ Did I ever stop loving you ♪ ♪ I just can't stop ♪ ♪ No, no, no ♪ ♪ Never, never, never ♪ ♪ Did I ever stop loving you ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Never, baby ♪ ♪ Did I stop loving you ♪ ♪ Oh, no, oh ♪ ♪ Never, never, never ♪ ♪ Did I ever stop loving you, baby ♪ ♪ Yeah, oh ♪ ♪ Never, never. ♪

The King of Staten Island

- You-you know Ray? - I know Ray a little bit. He's kind of, like, banging my mom. So, yeah, I'm just, you know, just dropping her off. Did you sign in at the office? No. I didn't even know you had an office. Okay, um... Kelly? You okay? Yeah. - You sure? - Yeah. You know you can tell me. I'm okay. Do you know him? Yeah, kind of. He's a new friend. Okay. Oh, I trained her in the car. She's not gonna break. I'm just kidding. It's, uh... I'm not gonna hurt her. Um, but have a great day. I just... No, uh, actually, could you, uh, set up the paints? - No. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Uh, and just wash these brushes. - No. - Thank you so much. - No. No. - Thank you! - No.

The King of Staten Island