And I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.
Bad Boys for Life
We ride together, - we die together. - We die together. Bad boys for life! No.
Bad Boys for Life
- I love him. - Yeah. And congrats to you, lieutenant. I hear Howard tapped you to head up AMMO. Wow, congrats. What's AMMO? Advanced Miami Metro Operations. A small team trained in new tactics and investigative methods. Gonna replace us old dogs. - Or teach them some new tricks. - Heh. For real, Marcus. So happy for you. Thank you. Hey, guys! Hey! Everyone's here. How are you? Dumbass. - What? - She is perfect for you. Smart as hell. Confident. Ambitious. She just wasn't the one for me. - All right? - What is for you? Dying all alone and sad as shit? You just jealous. How long you been married? Twenty years? - Twenty-six. - Tell the truth. When's the last time you had sex? - None of your damn business. - Exactly. How many great women are you gonna let go? Heh. I mean, you get a lot of loving, but have you ever really been in love? Of course. I mean, yeah, I was... I was in love. One time. A long, long time ago. You never told me. Nigga, I don't tell you all my business. Look, all you need to know is that I'll be running down criminals till I'm 100. You the last brother that needs to be talking about running down anyone after the hospital. The hospital? What you talking about? What happened at the hospital? Running to see baby Marcus. I dusted your ass. You spent that run staring at my one good ass-cheek, Mike. You're saying that you actually outran me? - You beat me in a footrace? - It's been said. Oh, hell, no. Nothing sadder than old men revisiting the past. Whoa, hey, no stretching. Stretching is cheating. - Hey, who you got, Cap? - I got 50 on a torn ACL.
Bad Boys for Life
AMMO's got this. AMMO? Come on, Cap. AMMO? With all due respect, AMMO is a high school musical... boy band with guns. They don't even have shit. How do you know what they have or don't have? They have! - What do they have? What? - They have. The bullets they carved out of you, they were custom rounds for the P90 Herstal. AMMO's gonna find the dealer - that supplied your shooter. - How?
Bad Boys for Life
State-of-the-art police work, that's how. Cap, look... All right.
Bad Boys for Life
Three other law enforcement personnel have been killed that could be linked. - It's a war on the goddamn law. - All the same shooter as Mike. - Connected how? - Traffic cams, witnesses, tire treads all put the same blacked-out bike at the scene.
Bad Boys for Life
Let's go!
Bad Boys for Life
That was fast. We got a new base of operations too.
Bad Boys for Life
The DEA is mourning Jack Weber this evening, a 20-year forensic investigator for the agency in Miami.
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
Wanna get bit, you wanna get shot? - Whoa! Ahh! - Come on! Let's go!
Bad Boys for Life
Bad Boys for Life
Buried treasure in the ocean. I heard the stories, pero coño... Should cover the cost of the materials we discussed. And then some.
Bad Boys for Life
Mike. Mike! Oh, shit! Get some help! I got an officer down. We're on Ocean Drive, 700 block. - Hold on. Hey. - Gunshot... - Oh, shit. - What happened? - Just get... Get some help! - Who did this?! Who the fuck did this?! Driving a motorcycle... Come on. Don't do this. - Mike, stay with us. - Come on. Get an ambulance! - Come on, Mike. Come on. - Hey, hey, hey. Phone... I got him on the phone.