Sotto Voce. How are we gonna get his voice and his facial? Well, first off, a positive mental attitude helps.
Red Notice
I could flip this for $25 million, easy. There's, like, three of these left on the planet. Four!
Red Notice
Thank you.
Red Notice
Wait, stop.
Red Notice
But when I discovered what was inside it, I knew right then that I held in my hand the secret to the third egg's location.
Red Notice
Do you trust me?
Red Notice
The eyes and ears are in a secure room in the west hall. Eighty-seven motion-sensitive 8K cameras with an overlapping field of vision, so there are no natural blind spots. They're always watching, always listening. Kinda like Alexa but with guns. Now, here's where things get a little tricky. The vault door to the egg room is a military-grade, biometric portal made out of a foot and a half of solid titanium. So you can't drill it and you can't make it go boom. The only way through it is with facial and voice recognition. And there's only one face and one voice that opens it.
Red Notice
I'm not trying to be a tattletale. We didn't steal your egg, okay? I mean, we tried.
Red Notice
Once they're on the move, you only have 45 seconds until they land. It's a pretty tight window.
Red Notice
I know how a confidence scheme works, trust me. [Booth] Well, you do now, that's for sure. The same mystery thief who ratted me out is the same one who framed you. That seems like a coincidence, don't you think?
Red Notice
You're right, we should wash up first. It's okay. You're safe here.
Red Notice
I mean, what's left?
Red Notice
Three hundred million dollars?
Red Notice
[footsteps approaching] [Booth] Okay. Oh, whoa, hold on, hold on. No, don't shoot.
Red Notice
I can't thank you enough for this. I'm just glad I could finally repay my debt to you. And now I'm in yours. [Tambwe laughs] -Come, everything is ready. -Alright. -I have juice boxes. -That's very good. Hey. Tambwe got us a costume change, so we can get out of these filthy duds. Oh. I'm so sorry. Tambwe, this is Agent John Hartley of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. It's a funny story. A lot of his colleagues have put a lot of your colleagues in prison. It's exciting.
Red Notice
-Hey, dickhead. -Hmm? Your last brilliant plan had some kinks in it. Mmm-hmm. So, what kinda security surveillance are we looking at? Well, the guy's an arms dealer, so, you know, every square inch of this place is gonna be on lock. Two-man guard teams at every access point are signal rotated to keep them frosty.
Red Notice
-No, no. Don't move. Don't move. -Why? Bulls have terrible eyesight. But they can sense motion. You're thinking of Jurassic Park. No! I saw a nature documentary starring David Attenborough. You're thinking of Richard Attenborough from Jurassic Park. [all yelling in Spanish] VĂ¡monos. VĂ¡monos. They're telling me to run. If you run, you die. [snorting] All right, yes or no, was Jeff Goldblum in it? Oh, my God! It was Jurassic Park. That's Jeff Goldblum. Asshole! -[bull snorts] -[grunts] -[groans] -[crowd gasps]