Found 776 results
Never wanted anything to do with his treasure hunt, even after he passed.
Red Notice
He'd spend weekends holed up in his office, poring over old maps and declassified files.
Red Notice
I'm not asking you to care about me, Booth.
Red Notice
-Go, go, go! -I'm trying! Let's go.
Red Notice
I'm not trying to be a tattletale. We didn't steal your egg, okay? I mean, we tried.
Red Notice
I'm gonna have to end our session here. Have a lovely day. Freeze!
Red Notice
So, yeah, easy-peasy.
Red Notice
[aircraft whooshing] [triumphant music playing]
Red Notice
All right, I'll bite. What's the first step? -[whistles] Create a distraction. -With soap?
Red Notice
-You are amazing. -I know.
Red Notice
-[cocks gun] -It ain't going up the stairs.
Red Notice
[both grunting]
Red Notice
So I picked someplace extra special. It's a bit of a black site. Kind of the land due process forgot.
Red Notice
Come on, let's go.
Red Notice
He didn't speak to me again after that. Not on Christmas. Not on my birthday.
Red Notice
[Booth] You gonna be this grumpy the whole trip? Wait till you see our ride. You're gonna love it.
Red Notice
[all exclaiming] [whispering] You should get up. You look like a little bitch right now. I say that as a friend.
Red Notice
[exclaims] Shit!
Red Notice