That's better. Bruce! Bruce! Get away from that man. It's okay. I'm a good guy. What are you doing? Who are you? I'm here to see Mr. Wayne. Well, you shouldn't be speaking to his son. Why did you give him these flowers? No, they're not real. It's magic. I was just trying to make him smile. Well, it's not funny, is it? Do I need to call the police? No. Please. My mother's name is Penny. Penny Fleck. She used to work here years ago. Can you please tell Mr. Wayne I need to see him? You are her son. Yeah. Did you know her? I know about the two of them. She told me everything. There's nothing to know. There is no "them." Your mother was delusional. She was a sick woman. Don't say that. Just go. Mmm? Before you make a fool of yourself. Thomas Wayne is my father.
Hey! Hey!
It's not a joke.
We went over this, Penny. You adopted him. We have all the paperwork right here. That's not true. Thomas had that all made up, so it stayed our secret. You also stood by while one of your boyfriends repeatedly abused your adopted son and battered you. Penny, your son was found tied to a radiator in your filthy apartment. Malnourished with multiple bruises across his body and severe trauma to his head. I never heard him cry. He's always been such a happy little boy.
I hated school as a kid.
Or me. Everybody's telling me that my stand-up's ready for the big clubs. But, Happy, what makes you think you could do that? - What do you mean? - I mean... Don't you have to be funny to be a comedian?
Arthur, Hoyt wants to see you in his office. Hey, Gary. You know what I've always wondered? No idea. Do you people call it miniature golf or is it just golf to you?
Can I call someone? Is your mother home?
Go, clown! Come on! Stop them!
It's Monday and Wednesday, three to five. She says, "Excuse me, Professor Lewis." I can't use my real last name at this college 'cause they don't hire Jews.