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But l still think there's more to you. ln fact, l think that for you...
The Dark Knight Rises
Stay straight!
The Dark Knight Rises
Give me a hand! We can get a cable on it!
The Dark Knight Rises
Unless she's lost a lot of weight...
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
FOX: You've got to turn the truck east!
The Dark Knight Rises
You sons of bitches! You're killing us! Yeah, follow your orders!
The Dark Knight Rises
You might have the wrong animal there, sir.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Nice outfit. Those heels make it tough to walk? -l don't know. -Aah!
The Dark Knight Rises
Oh, dear.
The Dark Knight Rises
And she was with child... ...the mercenary's child. lnnocence cannot flower underground. lt has to be stamped out.
The Dark Knight Rises
He says there is one who did.
The Dark Knight Rises
...left him in perpetual agony. The mask holds the pain at bay. Bane was the child you spoke of? He was born here?
The Dark Knight Rises
BLAKE: Hey, Father! Let's get everyone back on the bus, okay? Go, go, go! -Back on the bus! -There's nowhere to go.
The Dark Knight Rises
Why do you need Fox? -To save the city. -Who says it needs saving? Maybe l like it this way. Maybe you do...
The Dark Knight Rises
After what l did to you? l'll admit, l was a little let down.
The Dark Knight Rises
And where's Mrs. Bolton?
The Dark Knight Rises