Pull them out. Pull them out now! SINGER: Through the perilous fight O'er the ramparts we watched Were so gallantly streaming And the rockets' red glare The bombs bursting in air Gave proof through-- BANE: That's a lovely, lovely voice. --that our flag was still there Oh, say does that star-spangled banner Yet wave O'er the land of the free And the home of the brave [CHEERING]
The Dark Knight Rises
-Foley. -Jesus, Blake. Every cop in the city's in those tunnels.
The Dark Knight Rises
Sir, are you okay? l'm a police officer. l need your car right now.
The Dark Knight Rises
...take control. Take control of your city.
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises
Not every cop.
The Dark Knight Rises
...one thing must be understood above all others.
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: Behind you stands a symbol of oppression. Blackgate Prison... ...where a thousand men have languished... ...under the name of this man: Harvey Dent. Who has been held up to you... ...as the shining example of justice! We're just gonna keep moving you till we can get you in front of the camera. BANE: You have been supplied with a false idol to stop you... ...tearing down this corrupt city! Yes! Yes! Yes! BANE: Let me tell you the truth about Harvey Dent. From the words of Gotham's police commissioner... ...James Gordon: "The Batman didn't murder Harvey Dent. He saved my boy... ...then took the blame for Harvey's appalling crimes... ...so that l could, to my shame... ...build a lie around this... ...fallen idol. l praised the madman who tried to murder my own child. Well, l can no longer live with my lie. lt is time to trust the people of Gotham with the truth... ...and it is time for me to resign." And do you accept this man's resignation? [INMATES YELLING]
The Dark Knight Rises
BANE: Gotham...
The Dark Knight Rises
People of Gotham, we have not abandoned you. What does that mean? lt means we're on our own. l have to get in front of a camera.
The Dark Knight Rises
They will kill you the second you show your face.
The Dark Knight Rises
...but we do recognize realities.
The Dark Knight Rises
We do not negotiate with terrorists...
The Dark Knight Rises
They have proven this before, and they will prove it again.