Ah! I told you you had the wrong guy, little boy. Damn, Alan, what the fuck you got me into? - You know him? - This is the guy that sold me the bad drugs. - How you doing? - I didn't sell you no fucking bad drugs. - Wait. He sold you the Ruphylin? - Ruphylin? I sold you that Ru...? Wha...? - Who gives a shit? Where is Doug? - I am Doug. - Your name's Doug? - Yes, I'm Doug. His name's Doug too. Ha. Classic mix-up. Come on. - Hey, Chow. You gave us the wrong Doug. - Not my problem. No, fuck that shit. Now, you give us our 80 grand back and take him with you! - No. Come on. I'll be your Doug. - Oh, yeah, okay. Oh, I take him back. Right after you suck on these little Chinese nuts.
The Hangover
STU: What are you doing? ALAN: Hey, guys. Check it out. Watch this. That's me, I'm on TV. I've never been on TV before. DOUG: What are you doing, man? Really? Really, Alan?
The Hangover
- I was so upset when my grandpa died. - Oh, I'm s... How'd he die? - World War II. - Died in battle? No, he was skiing in Vermont. It was just during World War II.
The Hangover
So, what do you guys got under there? Just a whole bunch of "mind your own business."
The Hangover
All right, to a night we'll never remember...
The Hangover
Don't make any sudden movements.
The Hangover
Hey, guys!
The Hangover
[PHONE LINE RINGING] [COUGHS] TRACY [OVER PHONE]: Hello? - Ahem, Tracy, it's Phil. Phil, where the hell are you guys? I'm freaking out. PHIL: Yeah, listen. We fucked up. Thanks for the lift back to town.
The Hangover
- It was a real pleasure meeting you. - Fuck off. - I'm getting my bartender's license. - Suck my dick. No, thank you.
The Hangover
...but a minor speed bump... ...in an otherwise very long and healthy marriage. - Cheers. - Cheers. Short and sweet.
The Hangover
But it wasn't ecstasy, Alan, it was roofies! ALAN: You think I knew that, Stu?
The Hangover
- Give him the money, Stu. - Okay.
The Hangover
STU: This is so illegal.
The Hangover
Oh, fuck!
The Hangover
- Stu? You avoiding me? - Hey. Melissa. Oh, my God. What happened to your tooth?
The Hangover
- You sure? I mean, you love this car. - Doug, it's just a car. Just make sure to put some Armor All on the tires so the sand doesn't seep in. Absolutely. That's easy. Oh, and, uh, don't let Alan drive, because there's something wrong with him. DOUG: Understood. Oh, and Phil either. I don't like him. I will be the only one driving this car. I promise. Good. Remember, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
The Hangover
- You wanted to see me? - Yeah. - Congratulations, buddy. - Congratulations to you. - You had us worried there for a second. - Sorry. How was Vegas?
The Hangover
Okay, what's up? You guys are acting weird. - Look, it's Jade, right? - Very funny, Phil.