Hey, sweetie, it's okay. I got a little snack for you. Real important that you eat this, okay?
The Hangover
Bring money to Big Rock in Mojave Desert at dawn. - What? - Toodle-oo, motherfucker.
The Hangover
- You shouldn't curse around the child. - Really? You shouldn't be around a child. [ELEVATOR BELL DINGS]
The Hangover
PHIL: I'll hit you on the way back. VALET: Thank you, sir. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. [BABY CRYING] You just nailed the baby. ALAN: Are my glasses okay?
The Hangover
Please! Please! Please stop!
The Hangover
Hey, man, what's going on here? Some asshole threw his bed out the window last night. - No shit. - Yeah. Some guys just can't handle Vegas.
The Hangover
The Hangover
The Hangover
I'll tell you one thing, you look seriously happy here, man.
The Hangover
The bad news is... ...we can't get you in front of a judge until Monday morning.
The Hangover
...that little girl... ...grinding and dry humping the fucking stage up there...
The Hangover
- Hey, fellas. Rough night? STU: Mm-hm. Sweetie, stay close to Mama.
The Hangover
You know, when you go to Vegas...
The Hangover
I'm just saying, it's clearly marked, okay? We are definitely not supposed to be up here. Come on, we're paying for a villa. We can do whatever the fuck we want. - Yeah, but... - Just wedge the door open. - Guys, come on up here. - Fine.
The Hangover
- Here's your car, officers. - Oh, God. All right, everybody act cool. All right, don't say a word. Come on, let's just get in and go. Come on.
The Hangover
- Shit. DOUG: Heh, heh, heh. - Nice car. DOUG: Yeah. - I'm driving. DOUG: Whoa, no chance, buddy... Don't step... God. Watch the leath... Shut up and drive before these nerds ask me another question. - Animal. - Who's this? - It's Alan. Tracy's brother. - I met you, like, four times. Oh, yeah. How you doing, man?
The Hangover
Oh, no, uh, officer, that's just impossible. No, we need to be in L.A. Tomorrow for a wedding. - You stole a police car. - We didn't steal anything. Um, we found it. Yeah, if anything, we deserve a reward or something, like a trophy.