No one there but the guard dogs. Stu? We'll toss these burgers over the gate, wait for the Demerol to kick in. Make sure you put in enough to kill them. We're not gonna kill the dogs, Chow. This will knock them out for hours. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you worked for PETA. - What a pussy. - Ha-ha-ha.
The Hangover Part III
We'll use drugs. Prescription drugs. You know, the kind a dentist has access to. Good luck finding a dentist who will write fake prescriptions. Oh, I know one. His name is Stuart Price. Now let's go find a fucking pharmacy.
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- Oh. - Damn it! Ow. Oh, fuck!
The Hangover Part III
Yeah, Stu, try reading a map. Yeah, Alan, try reading anything ever. Yeah, Stu, try not having such big horse teeth.
The Hangover Part III
- No more deals. - No, wait!
The Hangover Part III
He wants to meet Alan tonight at 8. It says come alone. - Come alone where? - A bus stop.
The Hangover Part III
I'm on my way. There's a spot just outside of town. I'll text you the details. Be there at 6 a.m. And make sure the little fucker's tied up. We don't have him. Hey, Marshall, it's Phil. Maybe Stu wasn't clear. We don't actually have Chow, we just know where he is. Yeah, and we were hoping that you and your guys... - ...could go to Caesars and get him. - I don't give a fuck what you were hoping. The deal is you bring Chow to me. - Oh, fuck. - 6 a.m. Or your friend is dead.
The Hangover Part III
I think we got a live one.
The Hangover Part III
Yeah, buddy.
The Hangover Part III
All right, we need a plan. They're meeting on a bus bench in a public place... Alan needs to convince Chow to go someplace more private. Someplace where we can sneak up on him and drug him.