- What was that? - Nothing. It was something. What's the joke? You've got your job, I've got mine. But they're different. Yours is cool. Mine's just a little more serious. What? We have the same job. I report real news. You know, stuff that matters. You report on all the cool: "Who's getting new boobs?" And the fun eating-disorder stuff. You really helped build up 60 Minutes too, right? - It's only been on for 80 fucking years. - Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't say this, but we got an opening at 60 Minutes. - And we could use somebody like you. - Are you serious? I'm fucking with you, man. Come on! You'd be eaten alive at our office. I'm gonna catch up with these guys, but cheers, man, congrats. Or whatever.
The Interview
The Interview
Come on! What the fuck?! Why?! Why'd you do that?! Why'd you do that?! Is this what you want?! There! You like it?! You like it?! It's all yours, fuckers! Stay in the room, American.
The Interview
Oh, my God.
The Interview
The Interview
Hate us because they ain't us.
The Interview
I'll be back. So how'd you wind up as one of the heads... of a dictatorship?
The Interview
Oh, Jesus fuck. Why does he keep the long pieces? His head looks like somebody's taint. - You barely look different. - Thanks, man. You said you were bald. I see a little stuff on top. - So freeing! - Rob.
The Interview
I'm actually like... Frodo Baggins.
The Interview
- Okay. Let's fucking do it. Yeah. - Yeah?
The Interview
You go, go, go, buddy! Look out, it's coming after you!
The Interview
Oh, man, this is great! Can we fire the gun? Think I'd tease you and not take you all the way? - Really?! - Close that shit. - Closing the hatch! - Okay. Boom, boom, boom!
The Interview
Do you pee and poo? You've heard the stories, huh?
The Interview
- I'm gonna make a run for it. - Do not run for it! - You will die! - It's coming.
The Interview
- Hey, how's it going, dude? - Not good. We should take a walk. No, no, no. I can't walk this off. I cannot walk this off. I need to...
The Interview
What the fuck...?
The Interview
He's just like Digby. Just like Digby. - I think I'm gonna die. Oh, my God. - Don't die, please.