Found 612 results
‐ Is that a "Yeah" of regret or‐‐ ‐ Yeah, it was fun. It was fun.
Palm Springs
‐ I can't keep waking up in here.
Palm Springs
‐ Yeah, sounds like it.
Palm Springs
'Cause of last night.
Palm Springs
Sarah. Sarah?
Palm Springs
‐ Hey, um, sorry, you, um, you‐‐ you should probably go you know, before somebody sees you.
Palm Springs
Who the fuck is she? What the hell is going on with you? What? It got a little out of hand.
Palm Springs
‐ I just‐‐ It's gonna be a beautiful wedding.
Palm Springs
‐ Let's just get it over with.
Palm Springs
Wait. ‐ What? What?
Palm Springs
- Oh. - Right?
Palm Springs
Is that him? Sir, if you do not comply, I'll have no choice but to remove you by force.
Palm Springs