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Ready Player One

Check out this place. It's a casino the size of a planet. You can lose your money there. You can get married. You can get divorced. You can... You can go in there. People come to the OASIS for all the things they can do, but they stay because of all the things they can be.

Ready Player One

Let me finish it for you. (SHO GRUNTING)

Ready Player One


Ready Player One

I am Parzival of the High Five. In the name of Art3mis, in the name of Aech, in the name of Daito and Sho, we ask you to join us on Planet Doom. In the name of James Halliday himself, help us save the OASIS.

Ready Player One

-WADWhat's up, Aech? -Hey, what up, Z? Next race is in 20 minutes, and I can't do the late one. What the hell are you up to? Man, gettin' my kills on, bro. Is that Daito? Daito and Sho.

Ready Player One

Can you do that? Well, he's a superstar. He made it through the first gate and avatars are gonna be on him like hoes on Santa. i-R0k, how much more do you want? That's what I like about you, Nolan. You never lick. You bite straight to the chocolaty center of the Tootsie Pop. (CHUCKLES) Remember that old commercial, with the owl? i-R0k.

Ready Player One

AECH: Z, I can't believe you told her about Kira. WADE: What? I told you. Hey, what about this? No. Have you considered that Art3mis could be using you? Hey, dude, she's giving me a clue. Maybe I'm the one using her. Should I go more Thriller? No.

Ready Player One

Drop the gun! Now! On the ground! Turn around! Hands on your head. Walk back towards me.

Ready Player One

Aech located. Sector 12. Planet Doom. WADE: Planet Doom, the most dangerous place in the OASIS, and a pretty great place to pick up coin. Figures Aech would be there.

Ready Player One

-(ALL CHEERING) -Yeah! Yes!

Ready Player One

Of course I am. Because the first thing that I would do is convert all the schools on Ludus to replicas from The Breakfast Club and Ferris Bueller. No way. That's a great idea. Which school, Ridgemont or Faber? Fast Times at Ridgemont High, not John Hughes. It's a trap. Faber College from Animal House. John Hughes didn't direct Fast Times at Ridgemont High or Animal House. Ferris Bueller and The Breakfast Club, they went to Shermer High School, which is in Shermer, Illinois. I know what you think. You think I'm a corporate asshole, that I don't appreciate pop culture, but... Man, that's not true. You know, when I wanna blow off steam... Drink Tab, plRobotron, listen to Duran Duran. I crack open a Tab. I put on some Duran Duran. I play Robotron. That's why I love the OASIS. 'Cause it's just full of all these things, man, that people love. You know?

Ready Player One

Citizens of the OASIS, I am Parzival, first to the key. I'm here talking to all of you now because our future's being threatened by people who will stop at nothing to win this contest. Some of you already know this, and you've lost much more than just your avatars or your weapons. Some have lost their freedom. Some have lost their lives.

Ready Player One


Ready Player One

Stick the key in, how hard is it?

Ready Player One

Those are explosives! (GROANING) IOI will not reimburse any lost coin if you zero out. Keep it moving!

Ready Player One


Ready Player One

-Where's the juice? -(LAUGHS NERVOUSLY) -Give me some juice! -(BOTH CHUCKLE) -There is no juice! -Oh, God! Hold the phone. Halliday went on a date with Ogden Morrow's wife? Just once, years before they were even married, but yeah. And despite that, and the fact that she died, the name "Kira" is only mentioned once in all of Halliday's Journals. CURATOR: That's not possible. It is. Look it up. What we just saw is the only time she's ever mentioned. It makes no sense. She was an important part of both their lives. I'll bet you anything. All my coin.

Ready Player One