Three times my normal fee. Done. Wait, really? I should have asked for five. Is four still on the table?
Ready Player One
-(LAUGHING) -That is... That is not funny. (LAUGHING) Oh, God. WADE: Ugh. (BREATHING HEAVILY) Oh, God. Don't you get it? You're "the Parzival" now. You have to have a disguise.
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
Ready Player One
My parents, they didn't make it through those times, so I live here in Columbus, Ohio, with my Aunt Alice. In 2045, Columbus is the fastest-growing city on Earth. It's where Halliday and Morrow started Gregarious Games.
Ready Player One
WADE: I was born in 2027. After the Corn Syrup Droughts, after the Bandwidth Riots. After people stopped trying to fix problems and just tried to outlive them.
Ready Player One
James Halliday saw the future. And then he built it. He gave us a place to go. A place called the OASIS.
Ready Player One
I lose. Don't sweat it, Curator. You see, Kira is the Rosebud at the center of his story. She's the big mystery. No, no. A bet is a bet.
Ready Player One
Huh. Whoa. Okay, am I being punked? 'Cause you're likin' me a little way too much.
Ready Player One
Mr. Morrow... I mean, Og, how'd you get here so fast? I flew from the stars on my magic sleigh. (CHUCKLES) Everyone's been watching. Of course, I've been watching a little closer than most. You? You're the Curator?
Ready Player One
F'Nale, listen to me very carefully. (NOLAN GROANS)
Ready Player One
WADE: The challenge is to find three keys, but in five years, no one has even gotten one key. And the big scoreboard? Still empty. Some long-forgotten gunter cracked the first clue and found the first challenge. Then, this portal appeared. But the challenge to win the first key was a race designed by Halliday that was so hard, no one had ever finished it. The only ones still trying are the gunters, as in "egg hunters," like me and Sho and Daito, and my best friend, Aech. Oh, and of course, the Sixers. The Sixers work for IOI... COMMANDER: Sixers! WADE: ...Innovative Online Industries. They're the second-largest company in the world with designs on becoming the first. Which is why they're putting everything they got into winning Halliday's contest. Buckle up!
Ready Player One
Hello, Wade. Hello, Mrs. Gilmore. What's the matter? Life getting you down?
Ready Player One
WOMAN: Watch it! You're famous now! You can't just go wherever you want! (STAMMERING) No, no, no, I... (GRUNTING) (WADE PANTING)