- Wait, wait. What's going on? - Hey! - What's happening? Where am I? - It's okay. - You were possessed. - Possessed? - Then you turned into a dog. - Then you got humpy. - Humpy? - Hold on!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
What do you call a fish with no eyes? A "fsh."
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
- Inside that trap is the gatekeeper. - Gatekeeper? If the gatekeeper and the keymaster reunite... - Keymaster? - One second.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
And the bartender's like, "we have a drink named after you."
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
You're... you're...
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
That's my mom.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
And together...
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Yeah, hi.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
You win lottery? Kind of. My father died. Relax. I didn't even know him. I'm surprised he left me anything. - Sounds like my father. - Yeah? Did your dad abandon your family and move to the middle of nowhere?
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Ugh. Mom, I'm trying to eat breakfast. Almost done.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
- Aw, your moustache is really coming in. - Mom!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
"Behold, there was a great earthquake.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
I'm bleeding! You made me bleed! You'll live. Phoebe!
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
Great. You didn't tell us we inherited a murder house.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife
J' three six nine the goose drank wine I j' the monkey chew tobacco on the street car line j' j' the line broke the monkey got choked j' I and they all went to heaven in a little rowboat j“ j' clap pat, clap pat j“ j' clap pat, clap slap j' j' clap pat, clap your hand pat it on your partner's hand j' j' right hand I j' clap slap, clap your hand slap your thigh and sing a little song I I my mother told me if I was goody... j" there it is. This is summerville. - This is where your grandfather lived. - And died.