Ha, ha. You're so cute. Yeah, I gotta feed Tyler. Come inside, you guys.
The Hangover
The Hangover
This whole situation is completely fucked.
The Hangover
All right. Thattaboy.
The Hangover
- Oh, God. ALAN: Look at that.
The Hangover
Thank you. Oh.
The Hangover
- You're not really wearing that, are you? - Wearing what? The man-purse. You're actually gonna wear that or are you guys fucking with me? It's where I keep all my things. I get a lot of compliments on this. Plus, it's not a man-purse. It's called a satchel. Indiana Jones wears one. So does Joy Behar.
The Hangover
- I see assholes like you every day. - Every fucking day. "Let's go to Vegas, we'll all get drunk and laid! - Yeah. Whoo! Woo-hoo. - Woo-hoo. Let's steal a cop car, because it'd be really fucking funny." Think you gonna get away with it? Not up in here. - Not up in here! - Oh. Uh...
The Hangover
I'm just saying, it's clearly marked, okay? We are definitely not supposed to be up here. Come on, we're paying for a villa. We can do whatever the fuck we want. - Yeah, but... - Just wedge the door open. - Guys, come on up here. - Fine.
The Hangover
- Doug's in the car! Doug's in the car! - Doug, it's okay! You chill out, goatee!
The Hangover
- Stu, you got a five? STU: No.
The Hangover
I can't believe I gave my grandmother's Holocaust ring to someone I just met. - What was I thinking? - You were really fucked up. Clearly.
The Hangover
- Here's your car, officers. - Oh, God. All right, everybody act cool. All right, don't say a word. Come on, let's just get in and go. Come on.