Step aside, sir. Random security check. Random my behind! You always stop me. I'm just a Surge Protector doing my job, sir. - Name? - Lara Croft. - Name? - Wreck-It Ralph! And where are you coming from? Pac-man. Did you bring any fruit with you? No! No. No fruit. Okay, then. Where are you heading? Fix-It Felix, Jr. - Anything to declare? - I hate you. I get that a lot. Proceed.
Wreck-It Ralph
I'll bet that's Mario. Fashionably late, per the norm. I'll get it, Felix.
Wreck-It Ralph
You must love you. Yeah! Inside here! Yes. Okay. All right, I get you. Watch out. It's dripping. Question, Ralph. We've been asking you to Bad-Anon for years now. And tonight you finally show up. - Why is that? - I don't know. I just felt like coming. I mean, I suppose it has something to do with the fact that... Well, today is the 30th anniversary of my game. Well, happy anniversary, Ralph. Thanks, Satan. It's Sateen, actually. Got it. But here's the thing.
Wreck-It Ralph
If you leave your game, stay safe, stay alert, And whatever you do, don't die. Because if you die outside your own game, you don't regenerate. Ever. Game ove.
Wreck-It Ralph
Great party, Felix. Why, thank you, friend. Felix. You're needed on the dance floor!
Wreck-It Ralph
I don't want to be the bad guy anymore.
Wreck-It Ralph
Right. I'm sorry. You lost me there. - Zombie! Bad guy! - Hi, zombie. Hi, zombie. Zangief saying labels not make you happy. Good! Bad!
Wreck-It Ralph
Here you go, buddy.
Wreck-It Ralph
Fix-It Felix! Whoo-whoo! Fix-It Felix!
Wreck-It Ralph
Mr. Litwak! What's the trouble, sweetheart? The game's busted. I can fix it! I can fix it! Oh boy. Looks like the game's gone cuckoo, like my nana. Sorry, sweetie. Here's your quarter back. But what about the game? I'll have someone look at it tomorrow... But if he can't fix it, it might be time to put old Ralph and Felix out to pasture.
Wreck-It Ralph
Ralph probably fell asleep in the washroom of Tapper's again.