Found 1467 results
Ba-da-la-la-la-la. Hey, now you're getting it.
Big Hero 6
I will add "fist bump" to my care-giving matrix.
Big Hero 6
"Fist bump" is not in my fighting database.
Big Hero 6
No, this isn't a fighting thing.
Big Hero 6
Back kick! Gummy bears!
Big Hero 6
Yeah! Fist bump!
Big Hero 6
Yes! Hammerfist!
Big Hero 6
Those who suffer a loss, require support from friends and loved ones. Okay, but I... Who would like to share their feelings first? Ooh. I'll go. Okay.
Big Hero 6
This armor may undermine my non-threatening, huggable design.
Big Hero 6
You guys need to go. No, don't push us away, Hiro. We're here for you.
Big Hero 6
I fail to see how karate makes me a better healthcare companion.
Big Hero 6
You want to keep me healthy, don't you?
Big Hero 6
I cannot be sick. I am a robot.
Big Hero 6
Data transfer complete.
Big Hero 6
What do you need, little man? Deodorant? Breath mint? Fresh pair of underpants?
Big Hero 6